Corona / Covid-19 Updates

Our “Hygiene- / Covid19 Präven­tions-Konzept” (in Ger­man) can be found here

UPDATE 01.09.2022

  • no restric­tions

UPDATE 17.04.2022

  • no more 2G
  • no more masks
  • no more restric­tions at all

UPDATE 05.03.2022

  • while in the rest of Aus­tria the “2G rule” has been changed to the “3G rule” here in Vien­na we  still go by the “2G-rule” upon fur­ther notice mean­ing you can prac­tice with us 
    • vac­ci­nat­ed (270 days after full vaccination)
    • recov­ered (180 days after detection)
  • masks till the mat, prac­tice with­out masks

UPDATE 12.02.2022

  • the max­i­mum capac­i­ty for events (and class­es in stu­dios like ours) has been increased from max. 25 to max. 50 but we have decid­ed to not allow big­ger class sizes until fur­ther notice in 1070, in 1040 and 1150 we have increased the max class size by only 4 persons

UPDATE 10.01.2022

  • there have been only lit­tle changes since the last update below, it main­ly con­cerns valid­i­ty of sta­tus “vac­ci­nat­ed”
    • 1 shot (Jansen vac­cine): not valid since 3.1.2022!
    • 2 shots: valid 270 days after sec­ond shot
    • 3 shots (Boost­er): valid 270 days after third shot
  • preg­nant women do not need to be vac­ci­nat­ed but PCR-test­ed (valid 48 hours) to join pre-natal classes

UPDATE 12.12.2021

  • our doors are open again!
  • our  full sched­ule is here — we re look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!
  • 2G rules apply: vac­ci­nat­ed or recov­ered, valid 180 days after recovery
  • “mask till the mat” — of course not mask in the shower:)
  • lim­it­ed spots, please book your spot in advance to make sure!
  • of course our online offer remains, all  details here

UPDATE 22.11.2021

  • and as sad as it is: we re closed again!
  • we have extend­ed our online offer and have 200+ class­es per month for you + a record­ing for each class in case you missed the class, all is explained here — the com­plete sched­ule is here 

UPDATE 7.11.2021

  • only vac­ci­nat­ed as well as recov­ered stu­dents can take class­es at yoga studios
  • as a peri­od of tran­si­tion until 5.12.: stu­dents with only one shot (of those vac­cines that need 2 shots) + a PCR test can take classes
  • recov­ered is only valid 6 month after diag­no­sis, an anti-body test does not extend this period
  • as of today 98% of our stu­dents are vaccinated

UPDATE 1.10.2021

  • since the ICUs con­tin­ue to fill, the Vien­nese gov­ern­ment has imple­ment­ed the tighter mea­sure when it comes to tests
  • the fol­low­ing “2,5 G rule” applies from 1.10.2021 lim­it­ing entry as follows 
    • vac­ci­nat­ed
    • recov­ered: max. 6 months after diag­no­sis, proof of diagnosis/quarantine/recovery required
    • test­ed: only PCR test valid for max. 48 hours

UPDATE 15.09.2021

  • since the ICUs are get­ting fuller and the occu­pan­cy has passed the thresh­hold of 200 beds, the gov­ern­ment has imple­ment­ed the mea­sure already valid in Vien­na since mid August con­cern­ing test valid­i­ty all over Austria
  • to sum it up 
    • PCR test are valid 48 hours
    • anti­gen test are valid 24 hours
  • we ve added more class­es and class­es are usu­al­ly filled at max. half capac­i­ty, most class­es more than 90% of stu­dents are ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed and there are many class­es where every­one is ful­ly vaccinated

UPDATE 15.08.2021

  • just a lit­tle change in pro­ce­dure: as per the lat­est reg­u­la­tion, from today onwards you need to have received both shots of vac­cine (or the one shot from Johnson&Johnson) to count as “ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed”. this is in con­trast to count­ing as ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed after 21 days after the first shot
  • to give you an idea about vac­ci­na­tion sta­tus of our stu­dents: in most class­es more than 90% of stu­dents are ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed and there are many class­es where every­one (100%) is ful­ly vaccinated
  • we have fur­ther updat­ed our sched­ule in the stu­dios, please find the sched­ule for all three stu­dios + online here

UPDATE 12.05.2021

  • Hur­ray!!!!!! We will open our stu­dios on 19.5.2021!!!
  • please find the sched­ule for all three stu­dios + online here
  • we have reduced the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants per class to guar­an­tee enough space for each student
  • please wear a mask in the stu­dio, you can take your masks off while prac­tic­ing and of course in the shower:)
  • as spots are lim­it­ed we have imple­ment­ed the wait­list fea­ture, please find details here
  • upon arrival in the stu­dio, please show proof of vac­ci­na­tion (min. 21 days after first jab, max. 3 months after first or 6 months after sec­ond jab), a neg­a­tive test (details below) result or proof you ve over­come the dis­ease (max 6 months after diagnosis)
  • valid­i­ty of covid19-tests:
    • PCR = 72 hours
    • Anti­gen Tests of an offi­cial insti­tu­tion = 48 hours
    • Anti­gen Test done by you but reg­is­tered with a pub­lic data­base = 24 hours
    • Not accept­ed: non-reg­is­tered self-tests
  • an expla­na­tion how to pre-book your slot can be found here
  • our online includes still offer 200+ class­es per month online, how to access them is explained here — the com­plete sched­ule is here 

UPDATE 07.01.2021

  • the stu­dios remain closed
  • after his own Covid19 expe­ri­ence, Knut is cur­rent­ly work­ing on a small series of videos, they can be found here
  • our online includes still offer 300+ class­es per month online, how to access them is explained here — the com­plete sched­ule is here 

UPDATE 01.12.2020

  • the stu­dios will be closed until fur­ther notice
  • we have fur­ther increased our online offer­ing and will offer 300+ class­es per month online, how to access them is explained here — the com­plete sched­ule is here 

UPDATE 31.10.2020

  • the stu­dios will be closed from 2.11.2020 onwards. all class­es and book­ings in the stu­dios have been cancelled
  • we will offer 240+ class­es online in Novem­ber, how access them is explained here — the com­plete sched­ule is here 

UPDATE 13.9.2020

  • we have reduced the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants per class to guar­an­tee enough space for each student
  • please cov­er your mouth and nose / wear a mask in the stu­dio. You can take your masks off while prac­tic­ing and of course in the shower.
  • please bring your own yoga mat, you can also leave your mat in the studio
  • please avoid phys­i­cal con­tact with students/teachers and always keep a dis­tance of at least 1 m
  • please use the dis­in­fec­tant pro­vid­ed in the studios
  • please be true to your­self: if you do not feel well, might be con­ta­gious or might have been in touch with the Covid-Virus, please stay at home and refrain from com­ing to the studio

and there s good new also:)

  • we have added many more class­es in the stu­dios so you ll have more options to practice
  • we have reduced the max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants in the class­es in the stu­dio so you ll have more space for your practice
  • we will fur­ther increase our offer of online class­es, you ll find it in our schedule


UPDATE 16.8.2020

  • please be true to your­self: if you do not feel well, might be con­ta­gious or might have been in touch with the Covid-Virus, please stay at home and refrain from com­ing to the studio
  • while it s not oblig­a­tory to wear masks in the stu­dio, we respect phys­i­cal dis­tance when­ev­er possible
  • please wash your hands before and after prac­tice and feel free to use the dis­in­fec­tant provided
  • we have reduced the max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants per class, please use the online reg­is­tra­tion here:
  • while we have reduced the max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants we have also added more classes 
  • please bring your own mat if pos­si­ble, you can also leave it at the studios
  • we will con­tin­ue to offer online class­es in addi­tion to our “offline” class­es in the stu­dios and we will grow this offer­ing. you will always find the cur­rent offer here:


UPDATE 24.5.2020


From 29.5.2020 onwards we ll be offer­ing class­es back at the studios(s), can‘t wait to see you back on the mat! 

Some more details / answers to f.a.q.:

  • yes, for the time being we will offer online class­es in addi­tion to our “offline” class­es in the stu­dios. as of now, it s not clear how our online offer will grow/develop, but you will always find the cur­rent offer here:
  • as promised we have paused/extended pass­es (e.g. 30 day pass­es) so that you have not “lost” any days dur­ing the clo­sure. As an addi­tion­al present we have added 4 more extra days to your pass!
  • our sched­ule is already up and it s grow­ing every day, please check back regularly.
  • of course we will respect any covid19-relat­ed rules and you will find them in the stu­dio and on var­i­ous communications/social media etc. — again please check back reg­u­lar­ly as also those rules keep changing
  • as capac­i­ties of class­es will be fur­ther lim­it­ed due to covid19, please sign up as ear­ly as pos­si­ble and help us avoid no-shows in order to offer as many spots as possible.
  • if you can, please bring your own yoga mat
  • please refrain from the use of props as far as you can
  • as of now, we wont give any phys­i­cal direc­tions and wont be able to offer acro yoga classes
  • since also our cost will be much high­er from June onwards we will adjust the prices for online class­es + you will also be able to use the online class­es with select­ed offline product
  • some class­es might be “hybrid” class­es, i.e. the class in the stu­dio will be streamed. of course we will make sure to only show the teacher (and not the students)

Any ques­tions? please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

we are sooooooo much look­ing for­ward to being togeth­er again at the stu­dios, please help us spread the good news!

UPDATE 29.3.2020

How to find the link to the class?

Once you have reg­is­tered via the ever­sports app or via there are two ways to get the link to your streamed live class:

  1. if you use the ever­sports app (which we high­ly rec­om­mend) you will find the link to the stream in the class 15 min­utes before the begin­ning of your class — here s a screen­shot, the link will be shown in the pic­ture at the top of the app (“Online Stream”) 
  2. you will receive and email a few min­utes pri­or to begin­ning of the class. please make sure to also check your SPAM fold­er as some­times emails end up there


UPDATE 26.3.2020

  • our online sched­ule is grow­ing and we are explor­ing this new world learn­ing day by day. online class­es are short­er than “live” class­es in the stu­dios and of course the sched­ule is some­what dif­fer­ent than you may be used to in the stu­dio. please find our updat­ed sched­ule here:


  • please note: our class­es are not filmed in the stu­dio as our stu­dios are closed by law. we are stream­ing from home and try our best to pro­vide you the best expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble. hav­ing said that please be aware that even the best online-live-class can nev­er be as “real” as a class in the stu­dio in terms of atten­tion giv­en by the teach­ers, indi­vid­ual corrections/adjustments, adapt­ing the class to the needs of those present etc. — due to all these rea­sons and also because the class­es are short­er than in the stu­dios, we have intro­duced spe­cial online prod­ucts at reduced rates


  • we will extend/pause all 30/60/90etc. day pass­es as well as the mem­ber­ships until the end of April so that you wont lose any days on your pass. if you have any ques­tion please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us via you can join our online class­es with online-prod­ucts at reduced rates, if you still want to use your 30/60/90etc. day pass/membership, please drop us an email and we will make the nec­es­sary cor­rec­tions in eversports


  • one more note on the process for the online class­es: sim­ply sign up for the class via ever­sports and you will receive the link to the stream short­ly before begin­ning of the class. you will also find the link to the class in the ever­sports app. for stream­ing we re cur­rent­ly using zoom, a free online tool


  • please help us spread the good news that we re offer­ing free online live-class­es to all doc­tors, nurs­es, hos­pi­tal employ­ees and para­medics (see below)


UPDATE 19.3.2020

We want to say thank you to all the awe­some peo­ple who are work­ing in those chal­leng­ing times to take care & treat of all of us and main­tain our health care system.

That is why we are offer­ing free online live-class­es to all doc­tors, nurs­es, hos­pi­tal employ­ees and para­medics.

We don’t only want to say thank you by doing so, but we also want to pro­vide the oppor­tu­ni­ty for those who are cur­rent­ly work­ing under a lot of pro­fes­sion­al stress to find some peace and bal­ance in times like these.

There­fore we ask you to for­ward this post to any­one you know who is work­ing in a hospital/ in the health­care sec­tor that could ben­e­fit from free yoga classes.

How does it work?

Please send your „Dienstausweis“/ ser­vice card to and we will cre­ate an account for you. You will receive a link to Ever­sports to your email account (the one you sent the E‑mail from). Obvi­ous­ly it is fine if you wish to cov­er up/anonymize your ser­vice card, so that we can only see your name.

Dis­claimer: Some of our class­es my be a lit­tle per­fect­ly imper­fect, as this sit­u­a­tion (Online-class­es) are still new to us. As a result, if some­thing in our streams is not work­ing prop­er­ly, take a cou­ple of deep breath & use the time to just be with your­self until the stream reap­pears on your screen 

As usu­al you’ll find our online sched­ule online on our web­site — it is grow­ing daily.

We’re look­ing for­ward to (online)-practice with you,

Your Feel­go­od­stu­dio

PS: We are aware of the fact, that there are a lot of oth­er occu­pa­tion­al groups, that are under a lot of ten­sion and pres­sure right now, even so as a first step we will offer the class­es to hos­pi­tal staff.


UPDATE 15.3.2020

we just extended/paused all class pass­es & mem­ber­ships until April 1st and will extend/pause fur­ther if we will still be closed by then.

please send any fur­ther ques­tions in that regard to


UPDATE 14.3.2020

Dear Feel­go­od­fam­i­ly,

here you will find all rel­e­vant updates with regard to Coro­n­a/­Covid-19 and our beloved feelgoodstudios

  • both stu­dios will be closed tem­porar­i­ly from 16.3. onwards — as of now we expect the clo­sure to last at least until 31.3.2020, pos­si­bly longer
  • all mem­ber­ships and 30 day etc. pass­es will be extended/paused until 31.3. — if the stu­dios won‘t re-open on April 1st, the pass­es will be extended/paused fur­ther. please give us some­time to update this in ever­sports as we ll need to do each change manually.
  • we are work­ing on online class­es so that you can con­tin­ue prac­tic­ing at home since a sol­id immune sys­tem will be of utmost impor­tance these days
  • please get your pri­vate mats by Sun­day evening the lat­est, if you can­not make it by then please drop us an email
  • please note: a good immune sys­tem as well as pos­i­tive mind­set is even more cru­cial these day. Also please think of ways to help oth­ers who are less fortunate/healthy.
  • please also sign up here for our newslet­ter to stay up to day

please check back here for reg­u­lar updates, we will also post (short­er) updates on our social media accounts

big (vir­tu­al) hug

Julie, Knut & the Feelgood-Team


UPDATE 13.3.2020

Dear Feel­go­od­fam­i­ly,

these are times teach­ing us to back off, accept and tie togeth­er for the ben­e­fit of everyone!

We‘ ll close the stu­dios tem­porar­i­ly from Mon­day onwards (class­es on the week­end have been reduced).
We expect this clo­sure to last at least until begin­ning of April, pos­si­bly longer.

Please if you need to get your mat do so until Sun­day evening and focus on your home practice.

Do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us, we‘ll take care of the mem­ber­ship exten­sions, as soon as we know how long we are closing!

See you soon, stay healthy and positive!

Julie & Knut