Yoga can be a lot, but above all Yoga is your way to more well-being. At the beginning of your yoga course, we have special offers for you, which make it easy for you to get into yoga, to get to know different styles and teachers and to find out where and how you feel comfortable.

Feelgood News

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✨ New Beginner’s Yoga Course with Knut Rakus ✨

Ready to expe­ri­ence the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of yoga for your body, mind, and soul? 🌿 Join our five-week beginner’s course with Knut Rakus, per­fect for those new to yoga or look­ing to refresh their prac­tice!

Start­ing **Wednes­day, Octo­ber 13**, you’ll learn essen­tial pos­es, breath­ing tech­niques, and how to use props, all in a sup­port­ive and relaxed envi­ron­ment. Dis­cov­er the heal­ing ben­e­fits of yoga and enjoy the bal­ance of move­ment and mind­ful­ness. We can’t wait to wel­come you! 💫

📍 Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1160, Vien­na
🗓 Wednes­day from Novem­ber 13th

#yogabe­gin­ners #feel­go­od­stu­dio #yoga­jour­ney #yogavi­en­na #yogafor­well­ness #mind­bodyand­soul #yoga­course
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5 days ago 
✨ New Beginner’s Yoga Course with Knut Rakus ✨

Ready to experience the transformative power of yoga for your body, mind, and soul? 🌿 Join our five-week beginner’s course with Knut Rakus, perfect for those new to yoga or looking to refresh their practice!

Starting **Wednesday, October 13**, you’ll learn essential poses, breathing techniques, and how to use props, all in a supportive and relaxed environment. Discover the healing benefits of yoga and enjoy the balance of movement and mindfulness. We can’t wait to welcome you! 💫

📍 Feelgoodstudio 1160, Vienna
🗓 Wednesday from November 13th

#yogabeginners #feelgoodstudio #yogajourney #yogavienna #yogaforwellness #mindbodyandsoul #yogacourse

✨ New Beginner’s Yoga Course ✨

Ready to feel the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of yoga for your body, mind, and soul? Our five-week course with Lea Büchele is per­fect for begin­ners or any­one look­ing to deep­en their prac­tice.

You’ll learn essen­tial pos­es, breath­ing tech­niques, and how to use props—all in a sup­port­ive and joy­ful envi­ron­ment. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

Expe­ri­ence the heal­ing ben­e­fits of yoga and join us on this jour­ney of well­ness. We can’t wait to wel­come you! 💫

📅 Start: Novem­ber 12th, 2024
📍 Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1160, Vien­na

#yogabe­gin­ners #feel­go­od­stu­dio #yoga­jour­ney #yogavi­en­na #yogafor­well­ness #mind­bodyand­soul #yoga­course
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6 days ago 
✨ New Beginner’s Yoga Course ✨

Ready to feel the transformative power of yoga for your body, mind, and soul? Our five-week course with Lea Büchele is perfect for beginners or anyone looking to deepen their practice.

You’ll learn essential poses, breathing techniques, and how to use props—all in a supportive and joyful environment. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️ 

Experience the healing benefits of yoga and join us on this journey of wellness. We can’t wait to welcome you! 💫

📅 Start: November 12th, 2024
📍 Feelgoodstudio 1160, Vienna

#yogabeginners #feelgoodstudio #yogajourney #yogavienna #yogaforwellness #mindbodyandsoul #yogacourse

✨ When did you take your last child’s pose? ✨

Im Trubel des All­t­ags vergessen wir oft, einen Moment der Pause und des Innehal­tens einzule­gen. Die Child’s Pose, oder Bal­asana, bietet uns einen san­ften Raum, um uns mit unserem Atem zu verbinden und Span­nun­gen loszu­lassen.

Ob du deinen Rück­en dehnen, deinen Geist beruhi­gen oder ein­fach nur Frieden find­en möcht­est – die Child’s Pose erin­nert uns daran, langsamer zu wer­den und auf unseren Kör­p­er zu hören. 💫

Atme tief ein, gib dich der Pose hin und spüre die erdende Energie, die durch dich fließt.

Wann war deine let­zte Child’s Pose? Erzäh­le es uns in den Kom­mentaren!

#yogaprax­is #child­spose #bal­asana #yoga­je­den­Tag #acht­samkeit #selb­st­für­sorge #entspan­nung #find­edein­bal­ance
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1 week ago 
✨ When did you take your last child’s pose? ✨

Im Trubel des Alltags vergessen wir oft, einen Moment der Pause und des Innehaltens einzulegen. Die Childs Pose, oder Balasana, bietet uns einen sanften Raum, um uns mit unserem Atem zu verbinden und Spannungen loszulassen.

Ob du deinen Rücken dehnen, deinen Geist beruhigen oder einfach nur Frieden finden möchtest – die Child’s Pose erinnert uns daran, langsamer zu werden und auf unseren Körper zu hören. 💫

Atme tief ein, gib dich der Pose hin und spüre die erdende Energie, die durch dich fließt. 

Wann war deine letzte Childs Pose? Erzähle es uns in den Kommentaren! 

#yogapraxis #childspose #balasana #yogajedenTag #achtsamkeit #selbstfürsorge #entspannung #findedeinbalance


Yoga Grundkurs ab Herbst 2020

Du bist Yoga Anfän­gerIn, Wiedere­in­steigerIn oder schon länger auf der Suche nach einem passenden Grund­kurs für Yoga. Wun­der­bar hier ist er 🙂 Dieser zehn­wöchige Kurs (10 Ein­heit­en) bietet Dir den opti­male Ein­stieg in Deine Praxis.Es erwarten Dich aufbauende…

Der nächste Sommer kommt bestimmt — Element Feuer

Unsere Gesund­heit stärken im Wan­del der Jahreszeit­en. Die gemein­same Work­shoprei­he gemein­sam mit der Wiener Schule für Tra­di­tionellen Chi­ne­sis­chen Medi­zin  dreht sich dies­mal um das FEUER ELEMENT, welch­es uns in und durch den Som­mer begleit­et.  Wir erkun­den gemeinsam…

Feelgood Summer Challenge

our Feel­go­od-Sum­mer-Chal­lenge why chal­lenge your­self to a dai­ly prac­tice for a peri­od of time? 💫 increase your flex­i­bil­i­ty 💫 increase your sta­mi­na 💫 elim­i­nate tox­ins 💫 max­i­mize your con­cen­tra­tion lev­el 💫 you will learn to med­i­tate, even in the most stressful…

Feelgood Membership Benefits

Here are the ben­e­fits of your Feel­go­od­stu­dio-Mem­ber­ship 💫 pause/freeze mem­ber­ship when on vacation/sick etc.: we nev­er liked that a gym-mem­ber­ship goes on and on even though you‘re on vac­tion etc. — so we decid­ed to be dif­fer­ent. we pause/freeze your mem­ber­ship if you…

Feelgoodmama pre & postnatal yoga teacher training 50 h

FEELGOODMAMA 50 h ytt Start 15.03.24 pre & post­na­tal  / Schwanger­schafts- und Rück­bil­dungsyo­ga & noch vieles mehr 🙂  Willkom­men in der wun­der­baren Welt des Schwanger­schafts-Yogas! 🤰🤸🏼‍♂️💫 In diesen zwei Woch­enen­den ste­hen die wer­den­den Mamas im Mittelpunkt.…


2 Kurse mit  jew­eils 4 Ter­mi­nen begin­nen Don­ner­stag 14–15 Uhr 18.4. 25.4. 2.5. 16.5. Fre­itag von 12–13 Uhr 19.4. 26.4. 3.5. 17.5. Du möcht­est ler­nen dein Baby zu massieren, eine enge Bindung zu deinem Baby auf­bauen und es auf eine san­fte, liebevolle Weise beruhigen…


Kinderyo­ga 5‑Wochen-Kurs  Fre­itag 14.30 — 15.30, Start 16.2.2024 Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1070 Acht­samkeit von klein auf — unsere inte­gra­tive Klasse für 8–12-Jährige fördert spielerisch Kör­p­er und Geist. Mit erfahre­nen Päd­a­gogIn­nen bieten wir eine unter­stützende Umge­bung für…


Our focus is on the human being as a whole. Only the balance of body, mind and soul allows a harmonious life. That is why we strive every day.


We know: every­one can prac­tice yoga! Whether you are an expe­ri­enced yogi who already wakes up med­i­tat­ing with both feet behind her head, or you are at the begin­ning of your yoga path, these class­es invite you to have a date with yourself.

> more about our yoga classes

> click here for our schedule


Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese Med­i­cine (TCM) is a holis­tic med­i­cine that is used both pre­ven­tive (ie health-pre­serv­ing), cura­tive and therapeutic.

> The treat­ments & consultations 


In order to deep­en holis­tic health in its var­i­ous aspects, we orga­nize var­i­ous work­shops with inter­na­tion­al guests as well as teach­ers from the Feel­go­od team through­out the year.

The cur­rent work­shop offer

Yoga for everyone

As a guest in our classes (here’s your schedule), you will enjoy individual attention thanks to our experienced teachers as well as the small class sizes.

Any Questions? Any Answers ?

10 + 3 =

About us

Many thanks to Julie and her stu­dents for a love­ly yoga class. She led us through a play­ful mix of styles (Ash­tan­ga, Mysore, Vinyasaow, Anusara, restora­tive and meditation). 
“Thank you for giv­ing it to you. Have land­ed well with you and look for­ward to the next few hours.” 
”I have been think­ing about this real­ly good time that I spend in your lessons. Vien­na and feel­go­od stu­dio remain in my heart.” 
“I want­ed to say thank you again for the bril­liant hour last night! That real­ly has some­thing moved in me, I felt so much ‘Space’ in me Thank you Thank you Thank you :)” 
“Yoga has total­ly changed my life. I’m just so much more bal­anced and agile now!” 
“You are the ones who have brought me to yoga (Ash­tan­ga). I’m stand­ing on the mat every morn­ing now. And met many won­der­ful people.” 

Please sign up for our Newsletter

The Feel­go­od­stu­dio newslet­ter informs about our cur­rent offer in the fields of yoga and holis­tic med­i­cine as well as our cur­rent events. Infor­ma­tion about the con­tents, the log­ging of the reg­is­tra­tion, the dis­patch as well as to your Abbestell pos­si­bil­i­ties, you find in our Data Pri­va­cy State­ment.

Feelgoodstudio – Your Place for Yoga and Holistic Health