Pilates in Vienna

Strength­en your pow­er­house and find your strong cen­ter in body and mind as you pow­er out in a fun class!

Pilates is a health-pro­mot­ing form of exer­cise whose pos­i­tive ben­e­fits were dis­cov­ered by its name­sake, Josef Pilates, in the course of a long heal­ing process. Pilates com­bines full-body exer­cise that is easy on the joints with con­scious breath con­trol. In a Pilates class, the instruc­tor guides your whole body through a sequence of strength­en­ing exer­cis­es that bal­ance breath flow and move­ment. Exer­cis­es are per­formed stand­ing or on the mat and with option­al assis­tance, music or intervals.

Pilates brings you the fol­low­ing ben­e­fits, among others:

  • joint-gen­tle whole-body workout
  • acti­va­tion of the deep mus­cles in the abdomen, back and pelvis: Pos­ture prob­lems and back pain can be reduced
  • Block­ades are solved
  • your pos­i­tive self-aware­ness is trained through con­scious body awareness
  • brings pos­i­tive effects as a sup­ple­ment and strength­en­ing bal­ance to oth­er sports such as run­ning, cycling or yoga
  • is suit­able for every body and is fun!

Strength­en your pow­er­house and find your strong cen­ter in body and mind while work­ing out in a fun class! Our teach­ers offer Pilates with vari­a­tions for all lev­els in all three Feel­go­od­stu­dios in Vienna.

What is Pilates and who is it for?

Pilates is a health-pro­mot­ing form of exer­cise whose pos­i­tive ben­e­fits were dis­cov­ered by its name­sake, Josef Pilates, in the course of a long heal­ing process. Pilates com­bines full-body exer­cise that is easy on the joints with con­scious breath con­trol. In a Pilates class, the instruc­tor guides your entire body through a sequence Pilates is a full-body work­out for core strength and sta­bil­i­ty, pri­mar­i­ly train­ing the small­er, deep­er mus­cle struc­tures of the core — the abdomen, back and pelvic gir­dle — also called the pow­er­house. Mat class­es can be var­ied with addi­tion­al equip­ment such as Mag­ic Cir­cle, ball, weights, fas­cia roller or ther­a­band. The focus is on con­trolled, con­cen­trat­ed move­ment that is easy on the joints and muscles.

The aim is 

  • strength­en­ing of the torso
  • a bet­ter pos­ture and body awareness
  • a more con­scious breathing
  • as well as the increase of con­di­tion and move­ment coordination.

Pilates is a method of move­ment for every­one, regard­less of age, and is rec­om­mend­ed not only as a com­ple­ment to oth­er sports, but also fol­low­ing reha­bil­i­ta­tion, dur­ing preg­nan­cy and after childbirth.

What Pilates classes are available at Feelgoodstudio?

We offer Pilates class­es in all three Feel­go­od stu­dios! “Infer­no Hot Pilates” we prac­tice in our Hot Yoga Stu­dio in Lugn­er City, while reg­u­lar “Feel­go­od Pilates” class­es take place in Stu­dios 1040 and 1070. Come by, we look for­ward to see­ing you!

This class takes your whole body through a sequence of strength­en­ing exer­cis­es that bal­ance breath flow and move­ment. The exer­cis­es are per­formed stand­ing or on the mat and option­al­ly with tools such as Mag­ic Cir­cle, ball, weights, fas­cia roller or ther­a­band, music or in inter­vals. This form of move­ment is suit­able for every body and com­bines joint-gen­tle whole-body train­ing with con­scious breath control.

This is the Burn Fac­tor fun from Amer­i­ca — Pilates in the Hot­room at 35 degrees and with music. A new and unique kind of train­ing — very effec­tive and mega fun. Super playlists moti­vate you to peak form. The body cen­ter and espe­cial­ly the pelvic floor area are strength­ened, through dynam­ic exer­cis­es the fat burn­ing is boost­ed. Mat class­es can be var­ied with addi­tion­al equip­ment such as weights or Ther­a­band. On the mat, the load on the joints is reduced to a minimum.

This is Burn Fac­tor fun from Amer­i­ca — Pilates in the Hot­room at 35 degrees! In this class we will do spe­cif­ic exer­cis­es for your glutes, legs and abdom­i­nals. Feel your hid­den mus­cles in a new spe­cial way. Slow, con­trolled move­ments chal­lenge the deep mus­cles to acti­vate the burn fac­tor, and the music keeps you in rhythm. In our hot­room it is 35 degrees Cel­sius with 40% humid­i­ty. The mot­to is: have FUN and enjoy the BURN!