You want to get rid of old things, find more ener­gy and zest for life?

Our 10 day DETOX pro­gram is a won­der­ful way to guide you through this process. The Feel­go­od­stu­dio Detox Pro­gram helps you to cleanse your­self of old things and to bring more ener­gy and joy of life back into your stress­ful every­day life.


Discover our Feelgoodstudio 10 Day Detox Program!


✔ the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of exer­cise and nutri­tion, because we know: Exer­cise and nutri­tion are our dai­ly medicine

✔ as indi­vid­ual as you: due to the indi­vid­ual sup­port by our team, our pro­gram becomes a tai­lor-made companion

✔ 100% nat­ur­al, free of chem­i­cals and additives

✔ as flex­i­ble as you: you start your 10 days when­ev­er you want and wher­ev­er you are, no mat­ter if in Vien­na or on the road

✔ devel­oped by Dr. med. Julia Rakus, expe­ri­enced and test­ed by hun­dreds of people

First and fore­most: in our opin­ion, detox pro­grams are only suc­cess­ful in the long term if they are as free of dog­ma as pos­si­ble and involve as few strong breaks as pos­si­ble (key­word “less is more”) to our “nor­mal” behav­ior pat­terns. After all, you are not sup­posed to swing back to “before” like a JoJo after the pro­gram. Your 10 days are the per­fect trig­ger or “nudge” for your change and our pro­gram is won­der­ful to inte­grate into your every­day life.

In your 10 Detox Days we will there­fore sug­gest and try out dif­fer­ent approach­es so that you are also well pre­pared for the time “after­wards”. Of course, the 10 days will not be with­out restric­tions, but it is impor­tant to us that you under­stand the “why” behind our sug­ges­tions. Every­thing we will try togeth­er, we have tried our­selves and learned to appreciate!

One of the cen­tral ele­ments of our 10 days togeth­er is the “bow­el broom”, a mix­ture of select­ed seeds devel­oped by Dr. med. Julia Rakus, which helps us very well to let go of things in our intestines. Our Detox Tea, com­posed of var­i­ous herbs, addi­tion­al­ly sup­ports your body in detoxification.

In time before the begin­ning of your 10 days you will receive your bow­el broom includ­ing recipes as well as your detox tea in the Feel­go­odmed­i­cine office, in one of the Feel­go­od­stu­dios or by mail.

Besides the bow­el broom, exer­cise is a cen­tral ele­ment of our detox pro­gram. For this rea­son you get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend all class­es in our three stu­dios (+online incl. record­ing) for 10 days. In addi­tion to our class­es, we rec­om­mend at least 2 long walks of at least 10 kilo­me­ters dur­ing your 10 days. If you can come to the stu­dio dur­ing the 10 days, we espe­cial­ly rec­om­mend our “Hot Yoga” class­es, as these are espe­cial­ly suit­ed to help you DETOX.

In our three stu­dios we offer almost 500 class­es per month with dif­fer­ent con­tents, lev­els and goals, so there is some­thing for everyone!

You will see: 10 days of “bow­el broom” paired with 10 days of lots of exer­cise and you will feel notice­ably lighter and ready for new adventures!

In times like these and because many of you are not in Vien­na, you can also expe­ri­ence your 10 days online, the fol­low­ing pack­ages are wait­ing for you:




  • Your bow­el broom for 10 days
  • “Sug­ges­tions for enjoy­ment” (recipes)
  • Indi­vid­ual sup­port by our team! 2 per­son­al coun­sel­ing calls (approx. 30–40 min­utes) with one of our detox experts (one at the begin­ning, one after 7–8 days) to dis­cuss your indi­vid­ual goals and chal­lenges regard­ing the DETOX pro­gram — you can ask all your ques­tions in com­plete con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, also glad­ly in writ­ing after the talks
  • Dai­ly emails with help­ful tips, input and moti­va­tion on detox, nutri­tion, diges­tion, exer­cise and mindfulness
  • 10 days Unlim­it­ed all class­es in all Feel­go­od­stu­dio + Online (incl. recording)
  • full access to our Feel­go­od­stu­dio video library for even more class­es and inputs

Now only EUR 185!


  • Your bow­el broom for 10 days (which we will glad­ly send you by mail if you are not in Vienna)
  • “Sug­ges­tions for enjoy­ment” (recipes)
  • Indi­vid­ual sup­port by our team! 2 per­son­al, com­pre­hen­sive con­sul­ta­tion calls (approx. 30–40 min­utes) with one of our detox experts (one at the begin­ning, one after 7–8 days) to dis­cuss your indi­vid­ual goals and chal­lenges regard­ing the DETOX pro­gram — you can ask all your ques­tions in com­plete con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, also in writ­ing after the consultation
  • Dai­ly emails with help­ful tips, input and moti­va­tion on detox, nutri­tion, diges­tion, exer­cise and mindfulness
  • 10 days Unlim­it­ed all class­es from our online offer, i.e. online live class­es incl. record­ing in case you can’t be there live
  • full access to our Feel­go­od­stu­dio video library for even more class­es and inputs

Now only EUR 128!


You are already in one of our class­es or you want to do some­thing good for your body, although you don’t have enough time for reg­u­lar class­es? You can now active­ly con­tribute to your well-being and treat your­self to the 10-day pro­gram with­out any class­es at all. Even if you already have a time card or mem­ber­ship for our Feel­go­od stu­dios, the Feel­go­od Bow­el Broom Detox is the per­fect com­ple­ment and the ide­al start to a health­i­er tomorrow!

Note: Your 10 days do not start with the pur­chase of the prod­uct, but with the first class attended!


When can I start?

Our Feel­go­od DETOX is designed so that you can start when­ev­er you want. Just buy one of the prod­ucts above and write to us at detox@feelgoodmedicine.at so we can send you your gut broom. Impor­tant: Your 10 days do not start with the pur­chase of the prod­uct, but with the first class you attend!

Do you also ship the bow­el broom abroad?

✔ Yes, of course! Costs for ship­ping with­in EU 9,90 €, no ship­ping out­side EU.

Do you have any oth­er questions?

Feel free to con­tact us via detox@feelgoodmedicine.at !

We are look­ing for­ward to meet­ing you, let’s DETOX together!