An ode to your yogamatte
In the beginning, one of the most frequently asked questions was answered: No, you do not need a yogamatte of your own, neither to practice in our studio (we have enough lemma) or to practice at home or elsewhere.
But: the more intense, enthusiastic and enjoyable your practice becomes, the more is recommended a mat of your own. Not only does your own mat testify to your enthusiasm, but also in a purely rational way: who is already writhing in the sweat of others? Of course, mats are cleaned and disinfected in the studios, but still: your sweat is just your sweat!
Also the daily early morning yogapraxis at home is much easier when the yogamatte is already smiling at you from the corner longingly. And that’s exactly where we want to take you: to your own practice, to the point at which your yogapraxis became a part of your everyday life and the time on your mat became an indispensable part of your day. Whether or not you are still studying in the studio is not really important to us — if we have put you with our enthusiasm for yoga, we have probably fulfilled our task 🙂
You can practice with your mat everywhere …
We recommend you to add your own mat! And to answer the question “but which one?” Is briefly mentioned here: there is a wide collection of mats (manufacturers) and then there is in my opinion jade yoga the best mats I know. In terms of the number of minutes I have spent on my jade mat and face the fact that she has been accompanying me for years around the world, she has been worth every penny.
Finally, a note: even with the best and the best anti-slip mat you will slip if you, for example: in Adho Mukha Svanasana, not enough pressure on fingers (cupping), especially thumb and index finger.
Be a Yogi, be on time
Our units start on time, so please be on time in the studio so you can still change etc. If you are with us for the first time, please come at least 10 minutes before the start of the session.
The exercise room is a place of rest
Some of us start their practice with some minutes of silence, please respect this and avoid entertainments etc. in the exercise room. Your mobile phone is happy even if it (silently!) In the cloakroom waiting for you and has not lost in the exercise room.
Joy instead of ambition and performance
Yoga knows no competing element, it is all about you and your practice. Even if our units can sometimes be sweaty, it always remains your practice and only you decide how far you are going.
Come to us to do something good for you to grow in person instead of comparing yourself with others.
Sauca means inner and outer cleanliness
One of the concepts underlying each yogapraxis is Sauca and stands for inner and outer cleanliness. If you are able to leave any worries / stresses / to do‘s etc., you will be able to enjoy your practice more and who knows, maybe you can see it from a different perspective …
The exercise room is a zone free of handy and shoes and we also ask you to pay attention to clean clothing and physical hygiene (you can shower before the unit). Leave large things (bags, backpacks) in the dressing room and try to leave as little space as possible in the room. Outer order frees your head and brings you to rest.
Full belly yogiert not happy
In order to get all the benefits out of your practice, flexibility and mobility are a hindrance. Therefore, do not eat 2 hours before practicing.
What should I wear?
To practice, you need clothes in which you feel comfortable and in which you can move well. In Feelgoodstudio, we attach great importance to the fact that you can be completely yourself — there is no room for externalities.
The Feelgoodstudio is a colorful place where everyone can be dressed as he / she wants — be yourself!