Yoga studios in Vienna

Three yoga studios in Vienna and online!

In our three Vien­nese yoga stu­dios we offer you almost 500 class­es per month with dif­fer­ent con­tents, lev­els and goals, there is the right yoga class for everyone!

Feelgoodstudio 1070

Burggasse 31 in 1070 Vien­na, courtyard

Our stu­dio in 1070 Vien­na is locat­ed in a qui­et court­yard in the heart of the Spit­tel­berg dis­trict. Despite the very cen­tral loca­tion, our stu­dio is a small oasis of calm in the mid­dle of the city. We offer group class­es, work­shops and yoga teacher train­ings here since 2011.

Main focus: Yoga class­es, Ash­tan­ga yoga, ther­a­peu­tic offer­ings, yoga for preg­nant women, child­birth prepa­ra­tion, basic class­es and class­es for beginners.

Feelgoodstudio 1070
Rent our studio 1070

We are hap­py to rent out parts or the whole stu­dio for your event, treat­ment, con­sul­ta­tion, sem­i­nar, work­shop, course, etc.! The Feel­go­od­stu­dio in 1070 Vien­na con­sists of a large group room (approx. 55 m²) and a small­er treat­ment room as well as an even small­er office room, a lounge area and sep­a­rate dress­ing rooms incl. show­ers and toilets.

Feelgoodstudio 1040

Paulan­er­gasse 13 in 1040 Vien­na, court­yard, 1st floor.

Our stu­dio in 1040 Vien­na is locat­ed not far from the TU and also in a qui­et court­yard so you can leave the hus­tle and bus­tle of the city behind you. In addi­tion to the group lessons, many work­shops take place here.

Main focus: Yoga class­es, ther­a­peu­tic offer­ings, Pilates, yoga for expe­ri­enced yogis & yogi­nis, class­es specif­i­cal­ly for women.

Feelgoodstudio 1070
Rent our studio 1040

We are hap­py to rent out parts or the whole stu­dio for your event, treat­ment, con­sul­ta­tion, sem­i­nar, work­shop, course, etc.! In Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1040 a larg­er (approx. 70 m²) group room can be rent­ed. Of course, there are also sep­a­rate dress­ing rooms includ­ing show­ers and toi­lets in 1040.

Feelgoodstudio 1150

Neubaugür­tel 47 in 1150 Vien­na, 5th floor.

The for­mer Yoga­col­lege is part of Feel­go­od­stu­dio since 2020 and here we like it hot 🙂 The stu­dio is ide­al­ly locat­ed at the U6 in an annex of the Luger City and we offer you main­ly Hot and Bikram Yoga class­es and also Infer­no Hot Pilates class­es. By the way, you can park in the under­ground garage for 2 hours for free.

Main focus: Hot Yoga, Hot Flow Yoga, Infer­no Hot Pilates, Yoga for the back.

Online Yoga: Live and in our video library

Prac­tice yoga any­time and anywhere!

You can prac­tice yoga with us live or on-demand! You can book the live class­es via our online sched­ule. You will receive a zoom link before the class starts and a link to the record­ing after the class. Addi­tion­al­ly, our video library offers you a diverse selec­tion of class­es tai­lored to dif­fer­ent lev­els and needs. Whether you’re a begin­ner, look­ing to deep­en your yoga prac­tice, or just want to take some time out, you’ll find the per­fect class for you. From gen­tle morn­ing flows to chal­leng­ing Pilates mix ses­sions to calm­ing slow flow class­es, we have some­thing for everyone.

Feelgoodmedicine Center for Preventive Medicine


Feel­go­odmed­i­cine, Schot­ten­feldgasse 71/2, 1070 Wien

Since 2021, our founder, Julia Rakus, gen­er­al and TCM prac­ti­cioner, has been run­ning an elec­tive doctor’s office in Schot­ten­feldgasse, where she and her team focus on tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine and health main­te­nance in general.