Yoga & Hot Yoga in Vienna

Yoga at Feelgoodstudio

In our yoga group class­es, the con­tent is always adapt­ed to the needs of those present. In terms of con­tent or style, we pass on yoga as we have learned it from many teach­ers and through our own dai­ly prac­tice. We do not fol­low any for­eign thought con­struct, but only our own expe­ri­ences. For us there is only one yoga — one love! Since we believe that yoga should be adapt­ed to the prac­ti­tion­ers and not the prac­ti­tion­ers to yoga, we avoid “pigeon­hol­ing”, which reg­u­lar­ly brings us new “types of yoga”. There­fore, we large­ly refrain from clas­si­fy­ing and label­ing our yoga ses­sions. After all, your body and your require­ments for your yoga prac­tice are dif­fer­ent every day.

In our group yoga class­es, the con­tent is always adapt­ed to the stu­dents present. Our teach­ers have many years of expe­ri­ence to adapt the class­es to the stu­dents present and most class­es are there­fore “All Lev­els Class­es”. Nev­er­the­less, we also have clas­sic Bikram Hot class­es, Ash­tan­ga or Yin class­es and of course always new class­es for you — besides yoga we also offer Pilates, med­i­ta­tion class­es and more.

Hot Yoga at Feelgoodstudio

Hot yoga is a spe­cial form of yoga prac­ticed in a heat­ed room. The idea behind Hot Yoga is that the increased room tem­per­a­ture helps to relax mus­cles and improve flex­i­bil­i­ty, while stim­u­lat­ing sweat­ing to elim­i­nate tox­ins from the body. Typ­i­cal­ly, hot yoga is per­formed in rooms heat­ed to tem­per­a­tures of about 35 to 40 degrees Cel­sius. Humid­i­ty is also increased. One of the most pop­u­lar forms of hot yoga is “Bikram Yoga,” which con­sists of a set sequence of 26 hatha yoga pos­es per­formed in a spe­cif­ic order. The prac­tice of hot yoga pro­vides both phys­i­cal and men­tal ben­e­fits. The heat helps stretch mus­cles and pre­vent injury, while the sweat­ing helps detox­i­fy the body and improve cir­cu­la­tion. In addi­tion, hot yoga can be con­sid­ered an intense work­out that increas­es heart rate and burns calories.