
1070 Vien­na, Burggasse 31/7 (Patio), Aus­tria, Europe

1040 Vien­na, Paulan­er­gasse 13 (Patiovia 1. floor), Aus­tria, Europe

Respon­si­ble for the content:

Rakus Gmbh
Own­er: Mag. Dr. med. Julia und MMag. Knut Rakus
Gumpen­dor­fer­strasse 91
1060 Vien­na, Aus­tria, Europe

P: +43 650 46 321 88

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Copy­right: © 2017 Rakus GmbH

Repro­duc­tion or dupli­ca­tion of text and images of any kind is pro­hib­it­ed with­out writ­ten permission.

Julie filmed home video for YogaMe­Home yoga. So you can prac­tice at home with her and for a whole month absolute­ly free and with­out oblig­a­tion. Sim­ply log in to with the coupon code “Julie”: Redeem vouch­er
PS: the offer is only valid if you have nev­er been reg­is­tered on YogaMeHome.



The infor­ma­tion pub­lished on this web­site has been pro­duced and reviewed to the best of the authors’ knowl­edge. How­ev­er, we explic­it­ly make no guar­an­tee that the details pro­vid­ed are com­plete, accu­rate and up-to-date at all times. This applies in par­tic­u­lar to all links to oth­er web­sites, whether direct or indi­rect. All infor­ma­tion is sub­ject to change, amend­ment or removal with­out pri­or notice.

Yoga exer­cis­es and sim­i­lar activ­i­ties should always be prac­tised under the guid­ance of an autho­rised teacher. The advice and cor­rec­tions pro­vid­ed at Feel­go­od­stu­dio do not con­sti­tute an alter­na­tive to a con­sul­ta­tion with a doc­tor or a health­care pro­fes­sion­al autho­rised in accor­dance with Aus­tri­an law. The oper­a­tors of linked sites are sole­ly respon­si­ble for their content.

Con­di­tions of training/participation

Clients at Feel­go­od­stu­dio, locat­ed at Burggasse 31/7, 1070 Vien­na, acknowl­edge the fol­low­ing con­di­tions of training/participation and their legal­ly bind­ing nature:

01 | Any injuries or oper­a­tions (with an approx­i­mate date) that have occurred in recent years, or acute health prob­lems or con­cerns (espe­cial­ly in the spinal region), must be dis­cussed with the train­er or stu­dio man­age­ment pri­or to par­tic­i­pa­tion in the respec­tive session.

02 | Par­tic­i­pa­tion in all ses­sions at the Feel­go­od­stu­dio is always at the participant’s own risk. Feel­go­od­stu­dio there­fore accepts no lia­bil­i­ty what­so­ev­er for injuries and/or adverse health effects of any kind.

03 | The par­tic­i­pant shall noti­fy the ses­sion leader or stu­dio man­age­ment imme­di­ate­ly of any and all health impair­ments that arise dur­ing a ses­sion so that, in such a sit­u­a­tion, the ses­sion can be adjust­ed prompt­ly and appro­pri­ate­ly. Fail­ure to com­ply with this oblig­a­tion will result in the exclu­sion of any and all lia­bil­i­ty on the part of Feel­go­od­stu­dio and the ses­sion leader.

04 | The par­tic­i­pant shall fol­low all instruc­tions issued by the ses­sion leader, in par­tic­u­lar regard­ing when, where and how exer­cis­es, move­ment sequences, etc. should or should not be car­ried out.

05 | The agreed par­tic­i­pa­tion fee must be paid at the start of the ses­sion. In the event that the ses­sion ends ear­ly, what­ev­er the rea­son, the fees paid will not be refund­ed and any reim­burse­ment will be at the dis­cre­tion of the stu­dio management.

06 | Booked ses­sions (in par­tic­u­lar treat­ments, per­son­al train­ing ses­sions and con­sul­ta­tions) must be can­celled at least 24 hours before the start of the ses­sion. If this notice peri­od is not observed, a can­cel­la­tion fee will be charged. The can­cel­la­tion fee amount will be deter­mined at the dis­cre­tion of the stu­dio man­age­ment. In the event of a participant’s fail­ure to attend the booked ses­sion or can­cel­la­tion less than one hour before the start of the ses­sion, the par­tic­i­pa­tion fee will be charged in full.