Online Yoga at Feelgoodstudio

Prac­tice yoga any­time and anywhere!

You can prac­tice yoga with us live or on-demand! You can book the live class­es via our online sched­ule. You will receive a zoom link before the class starts and the link to the record­ing after the class.

Addi­tion­al­ly, our video library offers you a diverse selec­tion of class­es tai­lored to dif­fer­ent lev­els and needs. Whether you’re a begin­ner, look­ing to deep­en your yoga prac­tice, or just want to take some time out, you’ll find the per­fect class for you here. From gen­tle morn­ing flows to chal­leng­ing Pilates mix ses­sions to calm­ing slow flow class­es, we have some­thing for everyone!

For exam­ple, we have on offer:

  • Low­er Core & Hips Acti­va­tion Flow with Joey
  • Pilates Mix Pow­er Hour with Lukas
  • Flow and restore with Lena
  • Dynam­ic Flow with Miruna
  • and many more!

And the best part? If you are a Feel­go­od Unlim­it­ed Mem­ber or Unlim­it­ed Online Mem­ber, or have a 365 days card, all videos are already includ­ed in your sub­scrip­tion! You have unlim­it­ed access to our entire video library and can prac­tice as often as you like.

If you are not a mem­ber, you can pur­chase indi­vid­ual videos at a low price and have access to them for six weeks. Enough time to prac­tice with us for the whole vaca­tion! In addi­tion, of course, we still have online live class­es + record­ing for you in the offer.

The videos in the online stu­dio were shot by Felice Drott.

Online yoga for Feelgoodmamas

For (expec­tant) Feel­go­od­ma­mas we have a spe­cial course: out of incred­i­ble grat­i­tude for three won­der­ful preg­nan­cies and births and the joy of accom­pa­ny­ing preg­nant women & new moms, Julie has pro­duced her heart project FEELGOODMAMA.

Con­tents of the Feel­go­od­stu­dio Pre- & Post­na­tal Video Package:

  • Intro
  • Flow & shine
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Relax Mama
  • Med­i­ta­tion
  • Part­ners Tool Box (for birth preparation)
  • Mama fit
  • Mama Baby Yoga


“As a mama, part­ner, doc­tor, yoga teacher & doula, I am espe­cial­ly hap­py to accom­pa­ny you in this way dur­ing your preg­nan­cy and birth & afterwards.”

Julia Rakus

The videos can be rent­ed or pur­chased on Vimeo as well as Ever­sports. Cost for the Feel­go­od­stu­dio Pre-& Post­na­tal Online Video Pack­age : 89,-.Euro

YogaMeHome videos

Julie has also record­ed a num­ber of videos for YogaMe­Home. On YogaMe­Home, Julie cov­ers yoga for preg­nant women, mom&baby yoga and ther­a­peu­tic yoga as a doc­tor and yoga teacher. So if you’re look­ing to get rid of cer­tain phys­i­cal ail­ments or get involved with yoga as a mom, Julie is the place to be. For every­one else, she teach­es her pop­u­lar Yoga Flow class­es on YogaMeHome.