Feelgood Summer Challenge

our Feelgood-Summer-Challenge

why chal­lenge your­self to a dai­ly prac­tice for a peri­od of time?

💫 increase your flexibility
💫 increase your stamina
💫 elim­i­nate toxins
💫 max­i­mize your con­cen­tra­tion level
💫 you will learn to med­i­tate, even in the most stress­ful environments
💫 reduce your stress lev­el day by day
💫 improve the appear­ance of your skin
💫 strength­en and tone mus­cles through­out the body
💫 estab­lish a healthy rou­tine that is here to stay

Our Sum­mer Chal­lenge is a chal­lenge that con­sists of tak­ing 21 class­es in 21 days!

You can join 21 class­es in all our 3 stu­dios. It is about not com­pet­ing against any­one, but test­ing your men­tal and phys­i­cal strength with which to show you how far your capac­i­ty for con­sis­ten­cy and com­mit­ment to your prac­tice goes.

If you don’t already have an unlim­it­ed mem­ber­ship (or anoth­er time pass) with us, you can pur­chase your Sum­mer-Chal­lenge-Pass here.

If you man­age to make all 21 class­es in 21 days (you can start any day!!!), vis­it every stu­dio at least once and then send us an email, you will receive a free yoga mat from Lotuscrafts (your choice!) and a 7 days unlim­it­ed card! If you already are a mem­ber with us, we will of course dis­count your tick­et accord­ing­ly or extend your cur­rent pass.

see you on the mat!