Danny Paradise in Vienna 14.–16.10.2022

This weekend is an immersion into Yoga.

Each of the three ses­sions include dis­cus­sions, pranaya­ma and asana. EACH Asana class will also include deriv­a­tive pos­es and mod­i­fi­ca­tions to show how to keep expand­ing the prac­tices of Ash­tan­ga Yoga to make them a Joy­ous, Sacred, Life­time, Heal­ing, Unlim­it­ed Exploration.


THE CLASSES ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES AND LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE from begin­ning stu­dents to advanced prac­ti­tion­ers, teacher trainees and teach­ers of ALL forms of YOGA.

if you re in a hur­ry, here s the link to get your tickets


Dan­ny teach­es all the Ash­tan­ga Sequences with empha­sis on an expand­ing evolv­ing prac­tice. He shows deriv­a­tive pos­es, mod­i­fi­ca­tions and vari­a­tions, Egypt­ian Root Yoga posi­tions, Ele­ments of Tai Chi and Kung Fu with­in the struc­ture of all the sequences of Ash­tan­ga Yoga. Class­es include Pranaya­ma, Asana, and open dis­cus­sions on top­ics such as:

1.  Shaman­ic and His­tor­i­cal Roots of Yoga and the con­nec­tion to oth­er ancient cul­tures: Egypt­ian, Mayan, North and South Amer­i­can Native, Chi­nese, Polynesian

2. Heal­ing Process­es of Yoga, and oth­er Native/Indigenous traditions.

3. Spir­i­tu­al Intel­li­gence and Evolution.

4. Per­son­al Respon­si­bil­i­ty, Per­son­al Author­i­ty, Ful­fill­ing Per­son­al Des­tiny and Yoga

5. Med­ical Intu­ition: Under­stand­ing the process­es that cre­ate dis­ease and heal­ing and the rela­tion­ship to Chakras and glan­du­lar systems.

6. Yog­ic and Shaman­ic per­spec­tives on Aging and Transition.


This work­shop is joint­ly orga­nized with Yogazen­trum Gane­sha!


Fri­day 14.10.2022: 18.00 — 20.30

Sat­ur­day 15.10. & Sun­day 16.10., 12.00 — 16.00

“Yoga arose out of man’s per­cep­tion of nature and is a jour­ney back to Nature.”

As an ancient Shaman­ic prac­tice, Yoga is about cre­at­ing per­son­al empow­er­ment, per­son­al author­i­ty and total free­dom with an under­stand­ing that Nature is our Teacher and Guide…

Fri­day 14.10., 18.00 — 20.30

Dis­cus­sion: Yoga and Shaman­ism: Jour­ney of the Soul, Con­nec­tions of Yoga to Sacred Indige­nous Spir­i­tu­al Tra­di­tions, Ful­fill­ing Per­son­al Destiny.

Pranaya­ma: An acces­si­ble intro­duc­tion to the 6 exer­cis­es of the Pranaya­ma rou­tine from Ash­tan­ga Yoga.

- Asana: An Intro­duc­tion to Danny’s approach using tra­di­tion­al sequenc­ing of the Stand­ing posi­tions and fin­ish­ing posi­tions with deriv­a­tive rou­tines, mod­i­fi­ca­tions, vari­a­tions from Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Egypt­ian Yoga.

Sat­ur­day 15.10., 12.00 — 16.00

Dis­cus­sion: Heal­ing Per­spec­tives of Yoga, Shaman­ism, and Indige­nous Tra­di­tions World­wide. Per­son­al Author­i­ty, Per­son­al Respon­si­bil­i­ty. Free­dom, Devel­op­ing a Life­time Sacred, Heal­ing Prac­tice, Effects of Pranayama

Pranaya­ma: the 6 exer­cis­es of the Pranaya­ma rou­tine from Ash­tan­ga Yoga

- Asana: An explo­ration of Ash­tan­ga Yoga with mod­i­fi­ca­tions, vari­a­tions and deriv­a­tive rou­tines in the stand­ing sequence as well as using ele­ments of pri­ma­ry and inter­me­di­ate series, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Egypt­ian Yoga…

Sun­day 16.10., 12.00 — 16.00

Dis­cus­sion: Chakras-Bal­anc­ing Life Force. Yoga, Shaman­ism and Aging, Approach­ing Tran­si­tion with Vital­i­ty, Clar­i­ty and Peace

- Pranaya­ma:
the 6 exer­cis­es of the Pranaya­ma rou­tine from Ash­tan­ga Yoga

- Asana: Rit­u­al­is­tic, Med­i­ta­tive and Ther­a­peu­tic explo­ration of Asanas, Mar­tial Arts Posi­tions, Egypt­ian Yoga with Ash­tan­ga Yoga for all lev­els. Extend­ed stand­ing sequence, 2nd series and beyond, deriv­a­tive routines…


Dan­ny teach­es the Ash­tan­ga Yoga sequences with empha­sis on an expand­ing, evolv­ing prac­tice as well as show­ing deriv­a­tive pos­es, mod­i­fi­ca­tions and vari­a­tions. He strives to cre­ate inde­pen­dence from teach­ers and systems.

He draws from the teach­ings of Krish­na­mur­ti, Bud­dhism, ancient Egypt, con­tem­po­rary teach­ers such as Car­olyne Myss as well as many Shaman­ic nature based indige­nous native cul­tures includ­ing Mayan, Hawai­ian and Native Americans.

Dan­ny com­mu­ni­cates the teach­ings of ancient tra­di­tions in a non-dog­mat­ic, con­tem­po­rary, com­pas­sion­ate, humor­ous way. He pass­es on how to expe­ri­ence and cre­ate a med­i­ta­tive, ther­a­peu­tic and rit­u­al­is­tic Yoga practice.

He rec­og­nizes Yoga as an ancient Shaman­ic prac­tice and relates Yoga to all Shaman­ic, nature based, indige­nous explo­rations from North and South Amer­i­ca, Poly­ne­sia, Tibet, Africa and Asia. The Yogis and Shamans were the ear­ly pio­neers of con­scious­ness, heal­ing knowl­edge, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the spir­it realms. The basic premise of Shaman­ism is that nature is our spir­i­tu­al guide and teacher. Danny’s main objec­tive is guid­ing peo­ple to evo­lu­tion­ary con­scious­ness as well as to help peo­ple devel­op a heal­ing, sacred, per­son­al, med­i­ta­tive, joy­ful, non-dog­mat­ic Yoga practice.

Yoga is designed to cre­ate well-being, help peo­ple ful­fill per­son­al des­tiny and learn to age with vital­i­ty, ener­gy and grace. Dan­ny teach­es Yoga as a means of cre­at­ing per­son­al author­i­ty, per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty lead­ing to uni­ver­sal responsibility.

He also has stud­ied Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Karate. Dan­ny is a musi­cian, singer, song­writer, per­for­mance artist, Human Rights Activist, film mak­er and film producer.


A recent short video-‘The Evo­lu­tion of Yoga’: https://uplift.tv/2018/the-evolution-of-yoga-with-danny-paradise/

‘The Deep Heal­ing’: https://youtu.be/HOh6UQRCT0U

Danny’s Music CDs:

‘Car­a­van Of Souls’, ‘Riv­er Of The Soul’ & ‘Trav­el­ers, Magi­cians and Shamans’ avail­able on www.dannyparadise.bandcamp.com as well as iTunes, Apple Music, Spo­ti­fy, Sound­Cloud and oth­er dig­i­tal platforms

His DVD is called ‘Riv­er Of The Soul’

See his ani­mat­ed film and song pro­duced with Matthew Kel­ly and record­ed with Chris Bot­ti and oth­er World Musi­cians, ‘Love Will Res­cue You’

On YouTube: https://youtu.be/KZEdFZKlWWs

More Videos on YouTube:

On Her Wings from Car­a­van Of Souls: https://youtu.be/osKl-DLlgL4  https://youtu.be/osKl-DLlgL4  (com­ing out March 16/2022)

‘Now That The Shamans Have Planes’ with Paul Simon, Edie Brick­ell, Steve She­han and Chris Botti:


Ye Ris­ing Stars’ with Dominic Miller:


At The Con­fer­ence Of The Birds’ with Dominic Miller, Manose Singh & Dhrubesh Regmi:


Feldenkrais Insti­tut Wien, Taborstraße 71/1a, 1020 Wien

195 € (ear­ly bird 180 € until June 30th)

You can either book the whole work­shop or indi­vid­ual ses­sions for 70 € each

Click here to book your spot.

please email knut via knut{AT}feelgoodstudio.at in case of any ques­tions or reduced prices for teach­ers, unem­ployed etc.

a per­son­al note from Knut:

It s been well over 10 years since I first met Dan­ny in the old and sweaty chang­ing room of a gym in a pri­ma­ry school where he held a work­shop. Mind you: this was way before big Yoga stu­dios, yoga fes­ti­vals and the like — we used what­ev­er venue was avail­able. Dan­ny taught an eager group of stu­dents and kept teas­ing “one more?”, the class went on for­ev­er and I was amazed. Back then Dan­ny had been trav­el­ling the world and shar­ing the prac­tices of yoga and his ever­growin insights into life already for well over 20 years. Since then I had the plea­sure of meet­ing him around the globe reg­u­lar­ly and I am tru­ly hap­py to wel­come him to Vien­na this year, don‘t miss!!! 
