Flow Into The Weekend (Yoga All Levels)

After a stress­ful week, it can be dif­fi­cult to relax and chan­nel the right ener­gy into the weekend.
This class was designed for you to sweat off all the nat­ur­al neg­a­tive vibes and start your week­end ener­gized, pos­i­tive and relaxed.

In the first hour we will con­nect with our body and inner strength — breath­ing and sweat­ing through inten­sive core sequences and Vinyasa flows.
The last half hour is ded­i­cat­ed to Yin sequences to qui­et your mind — with focus on recep­tiv­i­ty, relax­ing and let­ting go while improv­ing your flexibility.

Train your strength and soft­ness with this mini-retreat for your body, mind and soul. All lev­els welcome!