Yin Yoga Teacher Training 30.10. — 1.11.2021

Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Hours

24 Con­tact Hours

6 Non-Con­tact Hours

Edu­ca­tion­al Categories

  • Tech­niques, Train­ing & Prac­tice (TTP)
  • Teach­ing Methodology ™
  • Anato­my & Phys­i­ol­o­gy (AP)
  • Yoga Phi­los­o­phy, Lifestyle & Ethics (YPLE)


This course is designed for yoga instruc­tors who wish to learn to teach Yin Yoga, or for the curi­ous prac­ti­tion­er who sim­ply wish­es to deep­en his or her knowl­edge of yoga. This train­ing will explore how the prac­tice of Yin Yoga can strength­en your mind-body con­nec­tion through a deep­er knowl­edge of this yoga style. In addi­tion, this train­ing also pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of the yin yoga for­mat; its effects on sub­tle anato­my, how to teach and sequence the basic yin pos­es and how to assist stu­dents in find­ing an appro­pri­ate lev­el of safe practice.

Dur­ing this train­ing, we will explore the fol­low­ing top­ics through lec­tures, work­shops and hands-on practice:

  • Intro­duc­tion to the phi­los­o­phy and prac­tice of Yin Yoga
  • The prin­ci­ples of the Yin Yoga practice
  • Ben­e­fits of the practice
  • Yin yoga pos­tures: how to cue in and out, what are the tar­get areas, how to prop
  • The art of active prop­ping: to teach our stu­dents how to stay on the edge, or even shift the tar­get areas
  • How to sequence a Yin Yoga class
  • Yin Yoga Anato­my & Phys­i­ol­o­gy: dif­fer­ence between Ten­sion and Com­pres­sion; and study of Fas­cia and Joints
  • Ener­getic meridians
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: How to express your­self and safe­ly guide a Yin Yoga class (tone of voice, cues, guid­ing in/out of pos­tures, themes)
  • Devel­op the tools to facil­i­tate a prac­tice that leans towards holis­tic health and wellness
  • Prac­tice teach­ing a Yin Yoga class

As part of the train­ing, you will:

  • Receive a man­u­al that out­lines the con­tent and the top­ics cov­ered in this course.
  • Com­plete an assign­ment to rein­force learn­ing and to deep­en a per­son­al experience.
  • Par­tic­i­pate in work­shops and group dis­cus­sions to explore our under­stand­ing of the dif­fer­ent subjects.
  • Have oppor­tu­ni­ties to prac­tice teaching
  • Receive a cer­tifi­cate upon com­ple­tion of final assign­ment and 30 Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Cred­its through the Yoga Alliance (24 con­tact + 6 non-con­tact hours)

The course will be taught in ENGLISH.

This train­ing will be taught by Jonathan Rivas, please find more about Jonathan here

Price: € 480,-

sign-up/­pay­ment here: https://www.eversports.at/widget/w/1ruz2j?event=333284&type=workshop

Addi­tion­al Information

Addi­tion­al Sched­ule Details:

Venue: Feel­go­od­stu­dio, Burggasse 31, 1070 Wien

Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 30th — 10:00–5:30 pm

Sun­day, Octo­ber 31st — 10:00–5:30 pm

Mon­day (pub­lic hol­i­day), Novem­ber 1st  — 10:00–5:30 pm.

Each day will have a one-hour lunch break. In addi­tion, there will be 6 hours of non-con­tact con­tent in the form of read­ings and an assign­ment. Full atten­dance is required in order to obtain a Cer­tifi­cate of Completion.

More Details and sign-up/­pay­ment here: https://www.eversports.at/widget/w/1ruz2j?event=333284&type=workshop