Brownie connection Stressdeponie

Stressdeponie offers a delicious brownie recipe

square brownies

.for the first 10 brown­ies….( pre­pare to have more)

– 2/3 of a cup of ground almonds (80g)– 2 medi­um to large sweet pota­toes (600g)

– 1/2 a cup of buck­wheat or brown rice flour (100g)

– 14 med­jool dates

– 4 table­spoons of raw cacao

– 3 table­spoons of pure maple syrup

– a pinch of salt

Start by pre-heat­ing the oven to 180C, then peel the sweet pota­toes. Cut them into chunks and place into a steam­er for about  twen­ty min­utes, until they become real­ly soft.

Once they are per­fect­ly soft and begin­ning to fall apart remove them and add them to a food proces­sor with the pit­ted dates – this will form one of the sweet­est, creami­est, most deli­cious mix­es ever!

Put the remain­ing ingre­di­ents into a bowl, before mix­ing in the sweet pota­to date com­bi­na­tion. Stir well.

Place into a lined bak­ing dish and cook for about twen­ty min­utes, until you can pierce the brown­ie cake with a fork bring­ing it out dry. Remove the tray and allow it to cool for about ten min­utes – this is real­ly impor­tant as it needs this time to stick togeth­er!                  Remove the brown­ies from the tray, leav­ing it anoth­er few min­utes before cut­ting them into squares – then dig in and enjoy!                       THX to Kata for shar­ing back in the days 2014 🙂

check out Stress­de­ponie  in Vien­na, 1070 for anoth­er Feel­go­od Adventure