Yoga in Salento with Julie & Knut

Come to Salen­to with us! We are hap­py to spend a week with you. Here s what it might be like:

First thing in the morn­ing (pos­si­ble after a sweet swim in the pool), we will salute the sun ascend­ing over Salen­to, stretch mind, body and breath after the jour­ney to get here and then set­tle into a prac­tice help­ing you to arrive in beau­ti­ful Agri­co­la Samad­hi. The prac­tice will be gen­tle yet ener­giz­ing and reward­ing, prepar­ing you for the days to come.

In the morn­ing ses­sions we go through a sequence of asanas gen­tly increas­ing pace, depth and smiles through­out the week. There will be options and vari­a­tions so that each prac­ti­tion­er can adjust the prac­tice to his needs. Know­ing and accept­ing that these needs are dif­fer­ent every day makes every stu­dent his very own teacher. The class­es will mod­el Knut‘s ongo­ing class­es in Vien­na and will allow the stu­dent to grow and devel­op her/his prac­tice in the course of our sev­en morn­ings together.

In her after­noon class­es in Agri­cole Samad­hi Julie will cov­er a wide range of top­ics, teach­ings and prac­tices. These will include breath­ing and med­i­ta­tion prac­tices, inputs on both phi­los­o­phy and anato­my in a yog­ic con­text as well as an evening of ecsta­t­ic dance. The class­es will as usu­al resem­ble work­shops so that we all learn from each oth­er and there s enough space for dis­cus­sion, deep­er learn­ing and Q&A.

Julie will touch on her expe­ri­ence as an avid yoga stu­dent as well as work­ing as a doc­tor (MD) focus­ing on obstet­rics, gyne­col­o­gy, emer­gency care as well as tra­di­tion­al med­i­cines (main­ly Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese Medicine).

Let us empha­size here: we know that every­one can prac­tice yoga and yoga is for every-body! This retreat and its con­tents are designed so that every­body from the most advanced yogi to a com­plete begin­ner will be able to gain valu­able insights and experience.

Let us als empha­size that — with 2 ses­sions a day — there will be enough time to explore beau­ti­ful Salen­to with its pris­tine beach­es and vil­lages. The food in Agri­co­la Samad­hi is EXTRAORDINARY and you will be sur­prised by the vari­ety of amaz­ing organ­ic veg­etable food you will enjoy.

Last­ly: who is this retreat for? Sin­gles, Cou­ples, Friends, Fam­i­lies — every­body is wel­come, and yes, this is a child-friend­ly retreat.

We are look­ing for­ward to spend­ing a week in the sun with you!!!

Julie & Knut

For book­ing and more details please go to:

Here are some infos about the costs: — Yoga course 250€ — Salen­to card 20€

Acco­mo­da­tion: dou­ble room 719€ / 579€

triple room with pri­vate bath­room 559€ / Sin­gle room with sin­gle bed 898€

for more details please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact Yog in salen­to direct­ly or us!

PS: if you cant attend but know some­one that might, please help to spread the good news!

PPS: pic by the amaz­ing Patrizia Gapp