Mag. Shima Marandi

Orig­i­nal­ly from Iran, Shi­ma was brought up in Aus­tria. Liv­ing in dif­fer­ent cul­tures has always been her main source of inspi­ra­tion. Dur­ing her stay in Hanoi, where she worked on inter­na­tion­al devel­op­ment issues, she first dis­cov­ered Hatha Yoga. She was instant­ly hooked by the sen­sa­tion of spa­cious­ness and home­com­ing that Yoga trig­gered in her. Ever since Yoga has been a con­stant prac­tice in her life – on and off the mat.

Hold­ing a Mas­ter degree in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion from the Vien­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ics Shi­ma spent many years study­ing and work­ing abroad. Since 2011, Shi­ma has ded­i­cat­ed her­self to teach­ing Yoga and now counts more than 600 hours of train­ing in Ash­tan­ga Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Yoga. She is also a cer­ti­fied Thai Nuad body­work­er and teacher, which for her is a form of med­i­ta­tion in move­ment and a part of her Yoga practice.

She is grate­ful to the many inspi­ra­tional teach­ers that she has met on her path. Her main teach­ers include Richard Free­man, Paul Dal­laghan, and Romana and Sascha Del­berg. On a dai­ly basis, her most impor­tant teach­ers remain her stu­dents with­out whom she could not have pro­gressed in her under­stand­ing of Yoga and its var­i­ous effects on life.

In her work as a Yoga teacher and body work­er, Shi­ma ded­i­cates her­self to the devel­op­ment and preser­va­tion of healthy and bal­anced bod­ies, clear and focused minds, ele­vat­ed spir­its and over­all well­be­ing. Her inten­tion is to cre­ate a safe and inspir­ing space for your prac­tice and to take you on a jour­ney through your own body and mind.
In her teach­ings, Shi­ma empha­sizes con­scious breath­ing, sol­id ground­ing with an eye for detail and a focus on inter­nal alignment.

Shi­ma is based in Vien­na and offers class­es in Ger­man and English.






Shi­ma unter­richtet Per­son­al Train­ings und Grup­penein­heit­en (Yoga All Lev­els, Yoga Inter­me­di­ate und Yoga Absolute Begin­ner). Ihre aktuellen Ein­heit­en find­est Du im Stun­den­plan.

Kon­takt: +43 650 420 83 44