Joey Robinson

Inspired by many styles, Joey teach­es an align­ment-based Hatha Yoga, designed to give stu­dents a deep­er sense of con­nec­tion to, and free­dom with­in, their bod­ies.  In doing so, he hopes to help stu­dents cul­ti­vate an aware­ness of what they are and invite them to explore the vast poten­tial of what they might become.

Since 2005, he has trained with numer­ous teach­ers in the US, Europe, and India, explor­ing a vari­ety of yoga styles and approach­es to health and move­ment. These include Ash­tan­ga Yoga, Anusara Yoga™, Kri­palu Yoga, Self-Awak­en­ing Yoga™ (cer­ti­fied), Feldenkreis, Voice & Move­ment Ther­a­py, and meditation.

His is deeply grate­ful to all his teach­ers, to all his strug­gles, and to the rich­ness and joy yoga has brought to his life.

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Joey teach­es (Eng­lish only) Per­son­al Train­ings and Group Class­es (Yoga All Lev­els, Yoga Inter­me­di­ate, Yoga Relax & Restore and Yoga Absolute Begin­ner). You find his class­es here: Sched­ule

Kon­takt: +43 699 1895 6081