Yoga for everybody

We know: Every­one can prac­tice yoga! Whether you are already med­i­tat­ing with both feet behind your head or you are at the begin­ning of your yoga jour­ney, our class­es invite you on an appoint­ment with yourself.

Yoga Workshops

In order to deep­en holis­tic health in its many aspects, we orga­nize dif­fer­ent work­shops through­out the year with inter­na­tion­al guests as well as teach­ers from the Feel­go­od team.

New at Feelgoodstudio?

You are new at Feel­go­od­stu­dio? We have spe­cial offers for you!

Yoga Teacher Training

Want to become a yoga teacher or take your own yoga prac­tice to the next lev­el? Then you’ve come to the right place! We reg­u­lar­ly offer train­ing and con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion for yoga teachers.

Online Yoga

You can prac­tice yoga with us live or on-demand! You can book the live class­es via our online sched­ule. You will receive a zoom link before the class starts and the link to the record­ing after the class.

Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga, as the name sug­gests, is prac­ticed in a hot room.


In the Feel­go­od­stu­dio we see the total human being and are aware of the indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of each per­son. In addi­tion to yoga, we deal with main­tain­ing health through nutri­tion, exer­cise, tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine and more.


A cen­ter­piece of our Feel­go­od Stu­dios is the top­ic of women’s health. We accom­pa­ny women around the top­ic of fem­i­nin­i­ty, preg­nan­cy and motherhood.

Feelgood Detox

You want to get rid of old things and find more ener­gy and zest for life? The Feel­go­od­stu­dio Detox pro­gram helps you to cleanse your­self of the old and to bring more ener­gy and joie de vivre back into your stress­ful every­day life.


In our three Vien­nese yoga stu­dios we offer almost 500 class­es per month with dif­fer­ent con­tents, lev­els and goals, so there is the right yoga class for everyone!


We do not fol­low any for­eign thought con­struct, but only our own expe­ri­ences. For us there is only one yoga — one love!


Any ques­tions? Here we answer the most fre­quent­ly asked questions.


Yoga can be many things, but above all, yoga is your path to greater well-being. At the beginning of your yoga path with us, we have very special offers for you that make it easy for you to dive in, get to know different styles and teachers and just feel where and how you feel comfortable.

All tri­al offers can be com­bined, i.e. you can book each offer once.

Yoga for everybody

In our group class­es you will enjoy com­pre­hen­sive and indi­vid­ual atten­tion. Our teach­ers have many years of expe­ri­ence in offer­ing alter­na­tives and vari­a­tions to fit your prac­tice to your needs.

Schedule today





Feelgood News

We reg­u­lar­ly offer new train­ings, work­shops, tips and tricks for you and your yoga prac­tice. Fol­low us online to not miss anything!

New at Feelgoodstudio

Here you will find the lat­est Feel­go­od news and updates.

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BIKRAM POSTURES Work­shop: Dein Weg zu ein­er tief­er­en Prax­is!

Wir freuen uns, Euch etwas ganz Beson­deres ankündi­gen zu dür­fen: Unsere langjährige Lehrerin Eva Man­gold, bringt ihre Bikram-Erfahrung direkt in unser Stu­dio, ihr zweites Zuhause. ✨

📅 09.11–10.11.2024
📍 Ort: Feel­go­od­stu­dio Yoga Col­lege, Neubaugür­tel 47, 1150 Wien

In diesem Work­shop wer­den sowohl die Bikram Stand­ing Series als auch die Bikram Floor Series unter­richtet. Jede Hal­tung wird detail­liert durchge­gan­gen, sodass Ihr – ob als Anfänger oder erfahren­er Yogi, Eure Prax­is ver­tiefen kön­nt.

💡 Für Fort­geschrit­tene: Erfahrt neue, feine Details, die Eure Bikram-Prax­is auf das näch­ste Lev­el heben.
💡 Für Begin­ner: Lerne, Deinen Kör­p­er bess­er ken­nen und von Anfang an kor­rekt zu üben – mit Anpas­sun­gen, die per­fekt auf Dich abges­timmt sind.
💡 Bei Ver­let­zun­gen: Indi­vidu­elle Adap­tio­nen helfen Dir, sich­er und den­noch inten­siv zu prak­tizieren.
👉 Hands-on: Kor­rek­turen wer­den auf Wun­sch gerne ange­boten.

Dieser Work­shop ist eine wun­der­bare Gele­gen­heit, tiefer in Deine Yogaprax­is einzu­tauchen und neue Erken­nt­nisse mitzunehmen.
✨Melde Dich jet­zt an – wir freuen uns auf Dich! ✨

#Feel­go­od­stu­dio #BikramYo­ga #YogaW­ien #Yoga­Work­shop #Yogaliebe #DeinePrax­is
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3 days ago 

Hautschutz bei Wind & Wet­ter: So bleibt deine Haut gesund!

Kälte, Wind und Wet­ter set­zen dein­er Haut zu? Keine Sorge, mit den richti­gen Pflegetipps schützt du deine Haut vor Trock­en­heit und Reizun­gen. Wir zeigen dir hier, wie du deine Haut opti­mal zu pflegst – auch bei rauem Wet­ter!

#skin­care #gesund­heit #yogas­tu­dio #health­con­tent #take­care #tcm
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7 days ago 
Hautschutz bei Wind & Wetter: So bleibt deine Haut gesund!

Kälte, Wind und Wetter setzen deiner Haut zu? Keine Sorge, mit den richtigen Pflegetipps schützt du deine Haut vor Trockenheit und Reizungen. Wir zeigen dir hier, wie du deine Haut optimal zu pflegst – auch bei rauem Wetter! 

#skincare #gesundheit #yogastudio #healthcontent #takecare #tcm

✨ New Beginner’s Yoga Course with Knut Rakus ✨

Ready to expe­ri­ence the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of yoga for your body, mind, and soul? 🌿 Join our five-week beginner’s course with Knut Rakus, per­fect for those new to yoga or look­ing to refresh their prac­tice!

Start­ing **Wednes­day, Octo­ber 13**, you’ll learn essen­tial pos­es, breath­ing tech­niques, and how to use props, all in a sup­port­ive and relaxed envi­ron­ment. Dis­cov­er the heal­ing ben­e­fits of yoga and enjoy the bal­ance of move­ment and mind­ful­ness. We can’t wait to wel­come you! 💫

📍 Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1160, Vien­na
🗓 Wednes­day from Novem­ber 13th

#yogabe­gin­ners #feel­go­od­stu­dio #yoga­jour­ney #yogavi­en­na #yogafor­well­ness #mind­bodyand­soul #yoga­course
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2 weeks ago 
✨ New Beginner’s Yoga Course with Knut Rakus ✨

Ready to experience the transformative power of yoga for your body, mind, and soul? 🌿 Join our five-week beginner’s course with Knut Rakus, perfect for those new to yoga or looking to refresh their practice!

Starting **Wednesday, October 13**, you’ll learn essential poses, breathing techniques, and how to use props, all in a supportive and relaxed environment. Discover the healing benefits of yoga and enjoy the balance of movement and mindfulness. We can’t wait to welcome you! 💫

📍 Feelgoodstudio 1160, Vienna
🗓 Wednesday from November 13th

#yogabeginners #feelgoodstudio #yogajourney #yogavienna #yogaforwellness #mindbodyandsoul #yogacourse
Der nächste Sommer kommt bestimmt — Element Feuer

Unsere Gesund­heit stärken im Wan­del der Jahreszeit­en. Die gemein­same Work­shoprei­he gemein­sam mit der Wiener Schule für Tra­di­tionellen Chi­ne­sis­chen Medi­zin  dreht sich dies­mal um das FEUER ELEMENT, welch­es uns in und durch den Som­mer begleit­et.  Wir erkun­den gemeinsam…

Feelgood Summer Challenge

our Feel­go­od-Sum­mer-Chal­lenge why chal­lenge your­self to a dai­ly prac­tice for a peri­od of time? 💫 increase your flex­i­bil­i­ty 💫 increase your sta­mi­na 💫 elim­i­nate tox­ins 💫 max­i­mize your con­cen­tra­tion lev­el 💫 you will learn to med­i­tate, even in the most stressful…

Feelgood Membership Benefits

Here are the ben­e­fits of your Feel­go­od­stu­dio-Mem­ber­ship 💫 pause/freeze mem­ber­ship when on vacation/sick etc.: we nev­er liked that a gym-mem­ber­ship goes on and on even though you‘re on vac­tion etc. — so we decid­ed to be dif­fer­ent. we pause/freeze your mem­ber­ship if you…

Feelgoodmama pre & postnatal yoga teacher training 50 h

FEELGOODMAMA 50 h ytt Start 15.03.24 pre & post­na­tal  / Schwanger­schafts- und Rück­bil­dungsyo­ga & noch vieles mehr 🙂  Willkom­men in der wun­der­baren Welt des Schwanger­schafts-Yogas! 🤰🤸🏼‍♂️💫 In diesen zwei Woch­enen­den ste­hen die wer­den­den Mamas im Mittelpunkt.…


In our three Vien­nese yoga stu­dios we offer almost 500 class­es per month with dif­fer­ent con­tents, lev­els and goals, so there is the right yoga class for everyone!

We have three beau­ti­ful yoga stu­dios, an online stu­dio and a Feel­go­odmed­i­cine cen­ter for pre­ven­tive med­i­cine in Vien­na. Many of our rooms are also avail­able for rent.


Feel­go­od­stu­dio was found­ed in 2007 and is run by Julia and Knut Rakus. Today we run three yoga stu­dios in Vien­na and a cen­ter for pre­ven­tive med­i­cine with our great and expe­ri­enced team.

Many thanks to Julie and her stu­dents for a love­ly yoga class. She led us through a play­ful mix of styles (Ash­tan­ga, Mysore, Vinyasaow, Anusara, restora­tive and meditation). 
”I have been think­ing about this real­ly good time that I spend in your lessons. Vien­na and feel­go­od stu­dio remain in my heart.” 
”Yoga hat mein Leben total verän­dert. Ich bin jet­zt ein­fach so viel aus­geglich­en­er und beweglicher!” 
“Ihr seid es, die mich zum Yoga (Ash­tan­ga) gebracht haben. Ich ste­he jet­zt jeden Mor­gen auf der Mat­te. Und traf viele wun­der­bare Menschen.” 
“Es war sehr schön bei Euch. Ein wun­der­bar­er Platz, ich war im 7. Bezirk.” 
“Ich wollte noch ein­mal danke sagen für die geniale Stunde gestern Abend! Das hat wirk­lich etwas bewegt in mir, ich hab soviel “Space” in mir gespürt. Danke Danke Danke :)” 
”Vie­len Dank, dass es Euch gibt. Bin bei Euch gut gelandet und freue mich auf die näch­sten Stunden.” 

Questions & answers

If you have ques­tions, try the fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions first.

You have more questions?

11 + 12 =

Feelgoodstudio – Your Place for Yoga and Holistic Health