Chair Yoga Teacher Training with Bruno Teyssandier

This in-per­son course is designed for yoga instruc­tors who wish to learn to teach Chair Yoga, or for curi­ous prac­ti­tion­ers who wish to deep­en their knowl­edge of Yoga. You do not need to be a Yoga instruc­tor! The train­ing is also appro­pri­ate for phys­i­cal therapists.

The Teacher Train­ing Lev­el 1 gives you the abil­i­ty to use this ver­sa­tile prop in vary­ing lev­els of prac­tice from class­es designed for those with mobil­i­ty issues to advanced class­es that allow stu­dents to expe­ri­ence bet­ter bal­ance and more range of con­trol in a new way. And you will explore the use of the Yoga chair for advanc­ing your asana prac­tice, as well as explore how to use a (Yoga) chair as a tool to make asanas more acces­si­ble, sus­tain­able and transformative.

Sched­ule: Sat & Sun, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Price: € 360. IYA-Cer­tifi­cate! Click here to sign up.

In this Chair Yoga Teacher Train­ing we will:

* Explore the use of the Yoga chair for advanc­ing your asanas
* Learn to set up your own sequences and mod­i­fy even fur­ther to meet your stu­dents where they are
* Learn how to teach Chair Yoga classes
* Dis­cuss the art of active propping
* Dis­cuss how to express your­self and safe­ly guide a Chair Yoga class (tone of voice, cues, guid­ing in/out of pos­tures, themes)
* Learn how to work with dif­fer­ent injuries, age groups and peo­ple with disabilities

What you gain:

* Full expe­ri­en­tial class sessions
* Two Restora­tive Chair Yoga classes
* Pre­sen­ta­tion and prac­tice of a vari­ety of famil­iar asanas that can be per­formed using the chair as a prop (stand­ing, sit­ting asanas, twists, for­ward & back­bends, inver­sions etc)
* Dis­cus­sion about the ben­e­fits of a Chair Yoga practice
* Yoga Anato­my: Intro­duc­tion to func­tion­al Yoga anato­my and to the fas­cial system

What you receive:

* a man­u­al (work­book)* a cer­tifi­cate upon com­ple­tion and
* 15 Cred­it hours Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion for instruc­tors reg­is­tered with the Inter­na­tion­al Yoga Alliance

Sat­ur­day, April 29th — 10:00–4:00 pm (Aus­tria, CET)
Sun­day, April 30th — 10:00–4:00 pm
Each day will have a one-hour lunch break.

12SIGN UP: please click here.

::: this train­ing will take place in Feel­go­od­stu­dio 1040, Paulan­er­gasse 13 in 1040 Vienna :::