Meghan Currie @ Feelgoodstudio, June 23 – 25, 2017

MOVE FROM LOVE – Weekend Workshop with Meghan Currie

All of life is a con­stant spon­ta­neous process – moments weav­ing new moments. We are co-cre­ators in this nev­er-end­ing work of art, endowed with the gift of con­scious­ness and grant­ed the abil­i­ty to see the direc­tion and qual­i­ty of our ener­gy invest­ments.  Every time we invest our ener­gy, we cre­ate a rip­ple, a rum­ble, a shift of some kind that affects the whole col­lec­tive real­i­ty. And we have the gift to choose to cre­ate fluc­tu­a­tions of love or fluc­tu­a­tions of fear. We need only to get curi­ous enough to learn how to use this mag­i­cal gift.

This week­end inten­sive is a play­ful jour­ney into the depths of the self. We will cul­ti­vate clar­i­ty and insight, and ulti­mate­ly, a greater under­stand­ing of what it means to Move from Love and how to stay awake to Love Con­scious­ness in dai­ly life.

Love is friend­ship that has caught fire. It is qui­et under­stand­ing, mutu­al con­fi­dence, shar­ing and for­giv­ing. It is loy­al­ty through good and bad times. It set­tles for less than per­fec­tion and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

-Ann Lan­ders

Each work­shop in the series will build upon the pre­vi­ous one. And all will be an infu­sion of restora­tive heal­ing, slow motion align­ment, breath focused vinyasa, sta­mi­na build­ing exer­cis­es and infor­ma­tive paus­es to break down the intri­cate pat­terns of move­ment and com­plex pos­tures. All this is inter­wo­ven with inten­tion­al dia­logue and silent space for the indi­vid­ual to dive deep­er through their layers.

*As each work­shop builds upon the last, it is strong­ly rec­om­mend­ed to sign up for all work­shops. As a result of uti­liz­ing the entire pack­age, you will see more expan­sive growth in your prac­tice and a deep­er inte­gra­tion of the prac­tice into your life. Please bring a tow­el and a journal.


The Unlearning Curve

Friday, 23.6.2017 :: 6 — 8.30pm

A prac­tice of any kind repeat­ed for a pro­longed peri­od has the capac­i­ty to build pat­terns that do not nec­es­sar­i­ly serve our body-minds, or our high­est growth poten­tials. In this work­shop, we will inspect this com­mon phe­nom­e­non, and how it affects oth­er aspects of our lives as well. We will learn to unlearn the pat­terns that no longer serve and replace them with those that do!

The more I see the less I know for sure.

-John Lennon


Love in Every Direction

Saturday, 24.6.2017 :: 10am — 1pm

Nat­u­ral­ly we tend to accept cer­tain aspects of our practice/body/circumstances, while reject­ing oth­ers. But, avoid­ance of any facet of life’s expres­sion cre­ates with­in us a dor­man­cy, a void, which can man­i­fest as fear or judge­ment in our lives and in our rela­tion­ships. What would hap­pen if we could love and respect every aspect of our­selves and of life’s dynam­ic unfold­ing? How could this change our entire life’s experience?

In this prac­tice, we will curi­ous­ly inspect what this means, and how we can imple­ment the prac­tice of love toward every detail of this human experience.


Surrender and Actualize 

clear vision; aligning with your highest desires

Saturday, 24.6.2017 :: 3 — 5.30pm

Some­times it seems as though life accel­er­ates with each pass­ing year. This is part­ly due to the sheer amount of infor­ma­tion we accu­mu­late and store with­in our body-mind. One of the best ways to clean out these inter­nal stor­age lock­ers is through deep sur­ren­der. Once we allow the old infor­ma­tion to fall away, we cre­ate space around what we tru­ly want in our lives, and regain the pow­er and ener­gy to real­ize these intentions.

This class will be a blend of dis­cus­sion, deep yin-full sur­ren­der, med­i­ta­tion and jour­nal­ing exer­cis­es to help you cul­ti­vate clar­i­ty and allow you to begin to actu­al­ize your dreams and desires.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks out­side, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

-Carl Jung


Move from Love Master Class

It’s a Process, not a Perfect

Sunday, 25.6.2017 :: 10am — 1pm

To move from love is to hold space for self explo­ration, growth in every direc­tion and learn­ing through play.

This prac­tice is a cel­e­bra­tion life, a mashup of all that was explored over the week­end and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to inte­grate it into a piece of flu­id move­ment. You will learn about flow­ing through every sit­u­a­tion, hold­ing your­self in a space of love and accep­tance and lis­ten­ing to the sym­pho­ny of life as it spon­ta­neous­ly unfolds.

Contact & Bookings

full week­end 250 € (ear­ly bird till march 31st 2017) // 275 € (from April 1st)*

Your spot will be con­firmed upon receipt of payment.

*as mentioned: each workshop builds upon the last, it is strongly recommended to sign up for all workshops, if you want to book single workshops please contact us since capacities here will be limited

Please book your spot as soon as pos­si­ble as we will only accept a lim­it­ed num­ber of stu­dents for this unique occa­sion to prac­tice with Meghan.

loca­tion: Laab­stelle, Lugeck 6, 1010 Vien­na




Terms of cancellation:

up to 60 days before the workshop: 25% cancellation fee = refund 75%

up to 30 days before the workshop: 50% cancellation fee = refund 50%

cancellation within less than 30 days of workshop: no refund but of course you can name another person to take your spot