Maja Zilih — Meditation, pranayama and mindful movement

#Maja Zil­ih — Med­i­ta­tion, pranaya­ma and mind­ful movement

This med­i­ta­tion course comes in three parts, on three con­sec­u­tive Fri­days, and it involves home­work prac­tice between sessions.

It is ide­al for students:
— who have already had some, how­ev­er brief, expe­ri­ence in meditation,
— who are not look­ing for a quick fix, but for a way to devel­op a com­mit­ted and last­ing med­i­ta­tion routine

Each ses­sion con­sists of
— a short intro­duc­tion of the tech­niques and a check-in with the group
— mind­ful move­ment, or mov­ing meditation
— breath work (pranaya­ma techniques)
— seat­ed meditation
— home­work discussion

We always try to make the phys­i­cal pos­ture as com­fort­able as pos­si­ble by sup­port­ing the body with walls, blocks and cush­ions. The move­ment and pranaya­ma that pro­ceeds the sit­ting will also work to that effect.

How­ev­er, this work­shop is not rec­om­mend­ed to stu­dents who are unable to sit silent­ly and in rel­a­tive still­ness for 7–10 min­utes at a time.

The three ses­sions are to be tak­en togeth­er, not individually

Fri­days 9:30–11:30 am:
29th Sep­tem­ber / 6th Octo­ber / 13th Octo­ber

68 Euros until Sept 8th, reg­u­lar 80 Euros 

@Feelgoodstudio, 1040 Paulan­er­gasse 13, 1040