Vouch­ers for all your loved ones and for you!

Our FEEL GOODSHINE vouch­ers are now avail­able for down­load online.

How does this work?

Select a voucher.
Amount in our account: Rakus GmbH,
Easy­bank, IBAN: AT26 1420 0200 1092 7588, BIC / SWIFT: EASYATW1
Or over
Pay­pal account: knut.rakus@gmx.li (please pay the expense of the sender!)
Please note the name of the recip­i­ent and the name of the vouch­er on the transfer.
After deposit of the trans­fer to our account, the vouch­er will be acti­vat­ed imme­di­ate­ly online in the Feel­go­od­stu­dio sys­tem for the recip­i­ent (s). The dura­tion of all vouch­ers begins with the first class in which the recip­i­ent takes part.
Select, down­load, print, fill out +++ gift!
See the joy­ful eyes of the recipient