Danny Paradise in Vienna 2017 Oct. 13th-15th, 2017

a per­son­al note:

I first met Dan­ny in the old and sweaty chang­ing room of a gym in a pri­ma­ry school. Dan­ny taught an eager group of stu­dents and kept teas­ing “one more?”, the class went on for­ev­er, I was amazed. Back then Dan­ny had been trav­el­ling the world and shar­ing the prac­tices of yoga and his ever­growin insights into life for well more than 20 years. Since then I had the plea­sure of meet­ing him around the globe reg­u­lar­ly and I am tru­ly hap­py to wel­come him to Vien­na this year, don‘t miss!!! 



This work­shop is joint­ly orga­nized with Yogazen­trum Gane­sha!

Sched­ule 13. — 15.10.2017:
Fri­day: 18.30 — 21.00

Sat­ur­day & Sun­day, 13.30 — 17.30

Feldenkrais Insti­tut Wien, Taborstraße 71/1a, 1020 Wien

165€ (ear­ly bird 150€ until June 30th)

Reg­is­tra­tion and Infor­ma­tion:
info@ashtanga.at • 0664/4027358

Here are the pay­ment details: Account Details

This work­shop is an immer­sion into Yoga. Each of the ses­sions include dis­cus­sions, pranaya­ma and asana. EACH Asana class will also include deriv­a­tive pos­es and mod­i­fi­ca­tions to show how to keep expand­ing the prac­tices of Ash­tan­ga Yoga to make them a Joy­ous, Sacred, Life­time, Heal­ing, Unlim­it­ed Exploration.

“Yoga arose out of man’s per­cep­tion of nature and is a jour­ney back to Nature.”

As an ancient Shaman­ic prac­tice, Yoga is about cre­at­ing per­son­al empow­er­ment, per­son­al author­i­ty and total free­dom with an under­stand­ing that Nature is our Teacher and Guide…
THE CLASSES ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES AND LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE from begin­ning stu­dents to advanced prac­ti­tion­ers, teacher trainees and teach­ers of ALL forms of YOGA.

Fri­day, 18.30 — 21.00

Dis­cus­sion — Yoga and Shaman­ism: Jour­ney of the Soul, Con­nec­tions of Yoga to Sacred Indige­nous Spir­i­tu­al Tra­di­tions, Ful­fill­ing Per­son­al Des­tiny, Your Dream as your Mas­ter­piece, Con­scious Evolution

Prac­tice — Intro­duc­tion to Danny’s Approach: All the prac­tices are Med­i­ta­tive, Rit­u­al­is­tic and Ther­a­peu­tic explo­ration of Asanas, Taoist posi­tions, Kung Fu and Tai Chi posi­tions — Fri­day evening will be an expand­ed explo­ration of stand­ing sequence and fin­ish­ing pos­es, includ­ing deriv­a­tive rou­tines, vari­a­tions, Egypt­ian ele­ments, modifications.

Sat­ur­day, 13.30 — 17.30


Heal­ing Per­spec­tives of Yoga,Shamanism, and Indige­nous Tra­di­tions World­wide, Per­son­al Author­i­ty, Per­son­al Respon­si­bil­i­ty, Free­dom, Devel­op­ing a Life­time Sacred, Heal­ing, Med­i­ta­tive Practice

Pranaya­ma: Ash­tan­ga Yoga Pranaya­ma: an acces­si­ble intro­duc­tion to the com­plete routine.

- Asana: Expand­ed Stand­ing sequence with deriv­a­tive rou­tines, mod­i­fi­ca­tions, vari­a­tions,     Intro­duc­tion to ele­ments of Pri­ma­ry Series and  2nd series for all lev­els of prac­ti­tion­ers of all forms of Yoga. 

Sun­day, 13.30 — 17.30

Dis­cus­sionChakras: Bal­anc­ing Life Force, Yoga Shaman­ism and Aging, Approach­ing Tran­si­tion with Vital­i­ty and in Clar­i­ty and Peace 


- Pranaya­ma: Ash­tan­ga Yoga Pranaya­ma- An acces­si­ble intro­duc­tion to the com­plete routine.

- Asana: Expand­ed stand­ing sequence includ­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tions, vari­a­tions and deriv­a­tive pos­es from Egypt­ian Yoga, Kung Fu and Tai Chi. 2nd series and beyond, deriv­a­tive rou­tines. A play­ful explo­ration of begin­ning, inter­me­di­ate and advanced posi­tions with mod­i­fi­ca­tions and vari­a­tions mak­ing the prac­tice acces­si­ble to all.



Dan­ny Par­adise has been prac­tis­ing Ash­tan­ga Yoga since 1976 and teach­ing world­wide since 1979. He ini­tial­ly stud­ied with the first West­ern teach­ers of Ash­tan­ga, David Williams and Nan­cy Gilgoff. Dan­ny learned the begin­ning and advanced sequences from them over five years and has stud­ied with Sri Patabb­hi Jois in 1978 and 1980. Dan­ny has also stud­ied and prac­ticed with Yoga teach­ers and Spir­i­tu­al guides in many oth­er lin­eages and tra­di­tions as well as teach­ers of Kung fu, Tai Chi and Karate.

SINCE 1979 Dan­ny has intro­duced all lev­els of the prac­tices of Ash­tan­ga Yoga to stu­dents and teach­ers in 40 coun­tries. He has also intro­duced the Ash­tan­ga prac­tices to world renowned artists, musi­cians, dancers, Bud­dhist Lamas, actors, film direc­tors and sports cham­pi­ons. He incor­po­rates indige­nous spir­i­tu­al tra­di­tions into the prac­tice and phi­los­o­phy of Yoga, relat­ing Yoga to all Shaman­ic nature-based cul­tures. 

Dan­ny draws from the teach­ings of Krish­na­mur­ti, Mar­i­anne Williamson, Car­o­line Myss, Bud­dha, ancient Egypt as well as many Indige­nous nature based cul­tures.
Dan­ny pass­es on ancient tra­di­tions in a non-dog­mat­ic, con­tem­po­rary, com­pas­sion­ate, humor­ous way. His objec­tive is to help guide peo­ple to evo­lu­tion­ary con­scious­ness as well as to help peo­ple devel­op a Sacred, safe, med­i­ta­tive, heal­ing, joy­ful, expand­ing, pain free, per­son­al self-practice. 


