Yoga All Levels

We know: every­one can prac­tice yoga! Whether you are an expe­ri­enced yogi who already wakes up behind her head with both feet, or you are only at the begin­ning of your yoga path, these units offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a date with yourself.

Vari­a­tion and Adap­ta­tion: Exer­cis­es and sequences in the All Lev­els units vary, agili­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty, focus, con­cen­tra­tion, sta­bil­i­ty, strength and endurance are strength­ened. As not­ed above, all of our teach­ers are able to tai­lor the con­tent of a unit to the needs and chal­lenges of the atten­dees, so vari­a­tions and / or options are also pre­sent­ed so that you can expe­ri­ence the appro­pri­ate practice.

A yoga unit in us is like a kind of med­i­ta­tion in motion and is an exam­i­na­tion of your own lim­i­ta­tions and pat­terns, as well as a con­cen­trat­ed (and some­times sweat­ing) work on or mov­ing bor­ders. Of course, this requires a reg­u­lar prac­tice and, above all, a will­ing­ness to change some­thing. We often hear in the units a whis­pered “I can not, that does not work for me” and can observe a few weeks lat­er great progress. Above all, in yoga, how­ev­er, it is only about you, any com­pet­ing thought, any com­par­i­son remains out­side when you are men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly only on your mat and work on you. This inner focus makes yoga dif­fer­ent from many oth­er dis­ci­plines and makes it so fas­ci­nat­ing for us — and hope­ful­ly for you as well.

For yoga begin­ners or if you want to repeat basics in detail again, our Yoga Absolute begin­ners units offer.