Feelgood Hot (All Levels)

Who knows us already knows, we like it hot rather than cold. There­fore, in our sec­ond stu­dio in 1040 Vien­na (Paulan­er­gasse 13/6, court­yard), we also cre­at­ed the pos­si­bil­i­ty to offer “hot” class­es. In these class­es, the tem­per­a­ture in the room will be about 30 degrees. The con­tents of these classs­es will be adapt­ed to the tem­per­a­ture as well as (as always) to the stu­dents present. Also in the “hot” class­es we do not fol­low a “one size fits all” approach of a fixed series. Rather, we also rely on the expe­ri­ence of our teach­ers to design the units so that every­one can take some­thing with them. “Hot” units can be in a some­what abbre­vi­at­ed 60 min­utes for­mat or in the usu­al 90 min­utes as a more pow­er­ful unit. You will find details as always in the timetable.