Winter dryness from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Our hec­tic life, the exces­sive demands placed on us every day, the hours we spend in front of a com­put­er screen, air-con­di­tion­ing sys­tems and heaters all “dry us out”.

In Chi­nese med­i­cine, this is referred to as a defi­cien­cy of blood and flu­ids with­in the body. The con­di­tion is felt par­tic­u­lar­ly acute­ly by veg­e­tar­i­ans, ath­letes, the elder­ly and women who have recent­ly giv­en birth. In TCM, blood is pri­mar­i­ly pro­duced by the spleen.  As a result, the cause of a blood defi­cien­cy is in many cas­es due to a “weak core”.    It is there­fore vital that the food eat­en is as whole­some as pos­si­ble, so that the food­stuffs can be com­plete­ly metabolised and absorbed.

Typ­i­cal symp­toms of DRYNESS includ

  • dry skin and mucous membranes
  • dry cough and raw throat
  • dry, itchy eyes
  • hard stool or constipation
  • dry, brit­tle hair


For those with DRYNESS, we recommend…

  • a hot, cooked break­fast, such as con­gee (warm rice porridge)
  • three hot cooked meals per day
  • nour­ish­ing chick­en soup, cooked for as long as pos­si­ble (assists blood for­ma­tion), favour­ing chick­en meat in general
  • mak­ing dark green leafy veg­eta­bles (spinach, endive sal­ad, pars­ley) a reg­u­lar part of your diet, as well as mul­ber­ries, dates, beet­root (cooked as sal­ad), red fruits (and their juices), e.g. rasp­ber­ries, blue­ber­ries, redcurrants/blackcurrants
  • mois­ture-retain­ing cook­ing meth­ods (steam­ing, blanch­ing, boil­ing with water, clear soups, stews, cur­ries, cook­ing with the lid on)
  • cook­ing with high-qual­i­ty oils (flaxseed oil, sesame oil, sun­flower oil, olive oil, pump­kin seed oil, rape­seed oil for fry­ing, wheat germ oil)
  • cook­ing with small seeds (sesame, sun­flower, pop­py, etc.)
  • a soft-boiled egg for breakfast
  • cook­ing with coconut milk (for stews, creamy soups)
  • pears, grapes, almonds (almond but­ter, marzi­pan) are typ­i­cal foods that ben­e­fit the lungs
  • rice pud­ding with pear com­pote as an alter­na­tive breakfast


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✿ Süßigkeit­en, Schoko­lade, Kuchen/Torte & Co
✿ Rohkost (rohes Obst und Gemüse)
✿ Trock­nen­des (Kaf­fee, schwarzer/grüner Tee, Knäcke­brot, Brotmahlzeit­en generell, Rotbuschtee)
✿ Schar­fes (Gewürze wie Chili, Pfef­fer, getrock­neten Ing­w­er, Cur­ry, Knoblauch, Lauch), Schnaps
✿ abends fernse­hen, viel Lap­top-Arbeit, nächtlich­es Lernen
✿Nachtar­beit, spätes Schlafengehen
✿ Schwitzen (Sauna, Hitze)

Rezept für Trock­en­heit der Lunge, Z.B. bei trock­en­em Husten

Danke an Pas­cale Neuens für die tollen Rezepte

Bir­nen, Wein­trauben, Man­deln (Man­del­mus, Marzi­pan) sind typ­is­che Lungen-
Milchreis mit Bir­nenkom­pott als Frühstücksvariante
