Pilates/Integral Workout

Diese Klasse kom­biniert Ele­mente aus (Hot Infer­no) Pilates, high-inten­si­ty-inter­val-train­ing (HIIT), Yoga und geziel­ten Kräf­ti­gungs- und Entspan­nungsübun­gen zu ein­er einzi­gar­ti­gen Mischung.

In Ceci‘s eige­nen Worten:

‘The one-hour live class is an all lev­els, chal­leng­ing and sus­tain­able full-body sequence using yoga and sport prin­ci­ples that strength­en mus­cles and boost your metab­o­lism with­out the pound­ing of a high-impact workout.

Each class fin­ish­es with restora­tive yoga and some intu­itive stretch­ing. Inte­grat­ing the low impact, high rep­e­ti­tion, high-inten­si­ty strength­en­ing and con­di­tion­ing work­out. Pre­pare to prac­tice a wide range of move­ments on a mat. Dur­ing class, we stream ener­getic music to increase your pos­i­tive vibrations.’